Chap. 1 The Beginning

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On Saturday after the incident...
In the hospital >>>>...

* knock knock knock *

Xander : Huh? who's there?

Wilyana : Hold up let me open the door.!

> Wilyana Open The Door <

Kristina : Surprise kids!

Valt : KRIS!!!

Trad : Valt! What did I tell you about calling people that older than you?!

Kris : Its okay Trad dont worry! How are you guys doing? I hope you guys feel better now.. !

Daigo : We all are fine dont worry! We'll be goin school next week after full recharge and healed..!

Kris : Ah you guys actually dont have to since you got bad injuries. If you feel better you can come anytime you want but dont take too long or else we'll take the action! ^^

Valt : Hah! Why would I lie?! I miss school! I miss playing bey! And I miss the smell of beybread...!

Xander : GYAHAHAHA Valt as he usual! That's great!!!

Kris : Here me and Trad brought some cookies box and fruit.. Sorry we couldn't give more...

Trad : We wish that you guys will get heal full..!


He move a lot untill he suddenly make his own shoulder sick.

Valt : GYAHHH!!

Rantaro : Valt even if you feel better doesnt mean inside of you are! You still need to calm down!

Wakiya : Valt still same, chaotic *face palms*

Valt : *laughs awkwardly* I know I know my bad...!

Kristina : And Im not sure if Amy and the others told you yet but we're gonna have new students too! So I hope you guys will get along very well with them!

Xander/Valt : *with cheerfull expression* NEW STUDENTS? NEW FRIENDS!!!

Rantaro : You both seems excited -

Ren wu : Literally they are

Meanwhile in the next room...

Enora : You heard that Racheal... New students will come to our school?!

Racheal : *nodded* Wow another person will come bother

Enora : But why dont we pull them to our plan? Our team? We can destroy them and using them!

Racheal : Tch not my style Enora. I'll look to them first and then we can make sure if we could use them for our plan

Enora : Fufu really?

Racheal : Only if they're good. Our reputation are really bad right now. Im not sure if we can get close to those new people. People around us might pull them away from us.

Without they realizing anything , an ear eavesdrop their conversation .

Valt : Huh Ren wu? Why it's seems like you're trying hear something ?

Ren wu : nothing, not really important so dont worry.

Rantaro : You sure? It seems important to me to be honest..

Ren wu : *nodded* dont worry
*Look at Xander*

Xander : *nodded and look at Quon*

Quon : *nodded*

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