It's Nice to Have a Friend

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Dorcas Meadowes was used to being an outsider, not fitting in, not feeling like she belonged. Until she met Marlene McKinnon; the blonde bombshell who changed everything


Hogwarts wouldn't be any different to any of her old schools, she would still be on the outside, she would still be different, she just knew it.

"But what if-"NO. She couldn't allow herself to feel excitement or anticipation about any of the new experiences she would have, because like everything that had come before, it wouldn't be long until it all came crashing down. She would keep her head down for the next seven years and graduate then go back to blending in the background right where she felt comfortable, where she felt safe.

"Now, the nice professor who helped us get your school things said that the school has their own owls so you can send letters home, so please do write to me and let me know how you're getting on. I've put some stamps in your pocket just in case," Dorcas' mother Violet rambled as she straightened up her daughters' robes before fiddling with one of the braids, she'd done the night before. Oh, how she would miss her mother.

"I will mum, I promise," Dorcas reassured her and with one final sound of the train horn signalling it was about to leave the platform, Dorcas allowed herself to bury her face into her mother's chest as she wrapped her up into a warm, comforting hug. "I'll miss you, love you!" She spoke into her before rushing onto one of the train carriages and into the first empty compartment she could find, waving to her mother through the window just as the train began to leave the platform.

As soon as the crowd of parents and the platform were no longer in sight, Dorcas sat herself down with her satchel at her feet which she opened, carefully scooping up her beloved tabby cat Mae who instantly let out a mew of annoyance at being shut in the bag for so long.

"Oh, don't complain Mae, I had to put you in there so mum wouldn't see that I was bringing you," She huffed, stroking her in her favourite spot behind her right ear. As soon as she had received her letter, confirming her place and informing her of the required equipment needed for the new term, Dorcas was ecstatic when she saw that Hogwarts students were allowed to bring a pet with them, although her mother hadn't been too keen on the idea of Dorcas taking the family pet to her new school.

Dorcas sat whispering to her cat absentmindedly while she flicked through one of her textbooks, deciding she was most excited for astronomy, when the relative silence of her compartment was interrupted by the door being flung open and two dark haired boys walked in, one with dark brown skin like her own and a pair of unfashionably round spectacles and the other being of east Asian descent, black hair neatly combed and uniform even more pristine than her own. "My lord! That is the fattest cat I have ever seen!" The bespectacled boy exclaimed, causing Dorcas to startle, clutching Mae close to her chest.

"Shut it James, I think they're magnificent!" The other decided before sitting himself next to Dorcas, immediately petting Mae rather fondly and smiling up at her. "Hello, I'm Sirius, that idiot there is James, you're a first year too, right?" He asked and Dorcas could only nod shyly in response. She could tell that the boys were eager for more of a response from her as they began to ask her multiple questions about herself which she managed to answer with as little words as possible, eager to return to her book.

Fortunately for her, she was rescued by the door opening once more and a short, red headed girl whose face was covered in freckles walked in, followed by another dark-haired boy who she thought was rather lanky and his hair hung longer than Sirius' and was slightly more unkempt. "Do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full," The new girl asked politely and again Dorcas could only nod as James and Sirius agreed. "Oh, your cat is wonderful! What's their name?" She asked kindly, giving Dorcas one of the friendliest smiles she had ever seen.

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