Chapter 1

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Iris POV

I'm sitting at a bar stool at a local bar. Han is sitting at a table not far from where I'm sitting. Han didn't know that I was here. I ran away again three weeks ago and I haven't seen Han since then. I don't know if he even cares about me.

I thought he would be here so I came here to look for him and apologize. But I'm a huge wuss and that's why I'm just looking at him. The bartender gave me a drink I didn't order. I raised my eyebrow at him. Why would he give me this?

"A guy calling himself Skywalker paid for it" The bartender said. I raised my eyebrows even more. "Where is this Skywalker guy?" I asked, interested in knowing who bothered to spend some of their money on me. The bartender pointed to a guy who just got ripped out of his seat and on to the floor.

The guy got a blaster pointed at him, but then an old man came out and cut of his hand with a... Light saber. I haven't seen one of those in what feels like an eternity. I ran towards them to check if he was okay.

"Are you okay?" I asked and helped the guy up. "Yeah." He took out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Luke Skywalker." I smiled politely and shook his hand."I'm Iris Solo" I said and smiled. He smiled back at me. He looked kinda good.

"Thanks for the drink." I said so it wouldn't become awkward."Thanks for helping me up"  He said .

I smiled even more at him."So what brings you here?" I asked. "We're looking for someone who can fly us out to Alderaan" Said the old man. This could be good."I know someone that can help you. If you got enough cash" I said.

"Who?" Luke said. I smirked at him."Follow me" I said and started to walk towards Han.

Chewie was the first one to notice me and started to roar wildly when he saw me.Han quickly noticed and turned his head to look towards me. I slid in the seat next to him and Luke and the old man ,whom by the way never told me his name, sat across from us.

"Where the hell have you been?"  Han asked me when I sat down."Everywhere, nowhere. You got customers" I said, not interested in telling where I actually was all that time.Han looked towards Luke and the oldie.

Then they started to talk. I didn't really care about what they were saying and maybe I should've cared more, especially when Luke stood up to leave, but I couldn't care less.

I got bored and went to stand up but both Han and Luke stood up a bit to keep me from going. "You're staying here missy, can't have you running away again" Han said.

Luke widened his eyes a bit when Han said I had ran away and I really hope he wasn't judging me for it. "I'm not going to run away, I'm just going to sit at the bar. Come get me when you're done" I said and left.

I looked towards Luke one last time before I walked away, only to see that he was looking at me too.


That's the first chapter of Lost In Space. Let us know what you think!

~~ Sofie & Tilde ~~

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