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Deidara felt despair when he saw Anjira's blank expression and even went as far as to request Kabuto to bring her back, but now that she was here, he couldn't even do so much as look at her. It was as if all the things he worried about being left unsaid were forgotten and her mere presence brought him nothing but agony and anguish. The image of her holding someone else's hand still haunted and irritated him.

To make matters even worse, she seemed way too interested in Sasori's art. While she didn't agree with his view of eternal art, which was something the blonde was very proud of, it disturbed him how courteous and polite she acted towards the puppet master, even when he looked down on her. Despite this, the redhead seemed to be enjoying his conversation with her, which sparked a pang of envy in him. When the subject fascinated her, Anjira was fun to converse with, that was one of the things he loved about her, and watching her have such an in-depth conversation with someone else, it couldn't help but made him feel like she was purposely making him jealous.

Interestingly, she tried to sway Sasori's opinion on being reanimated by Kabuto. He knew how much she hated being in this situation but he preferred she wouldn't do anything stupid, but that was too much to ask for, wasn't it?

He hoped she wouldn't do anything reckless that would get her personality erased again as he didn't have the guts to say anything to her at the moment. The thought suddenly stressed him out.

She had also asked him not to agree with being reanimated but Deidara made it clear to her that he had no intention of doing anything that could also have his personality erased. He wanted to demonstrate his art and feel every single moment of it, even if it meant to side with Kabuto. Her glare told him she took this personally and he didn't understand why. Why couldn't she just practice her art this way? They were invincible and had every advantage to perfect their craft.

Anjira stressed him out and Sasori just embarrassed him so he turned away to focus on finding their targets with his left eye. Even without his eye scope, he could see afar, which was awesome. With his vision and Chukichi's sensory skills, the enemy had nowhere to run.

"There's 3 of them at 2 o'clock, hm." He relayed.

All of his negative feelings were replaced by excitement at the thought of executing his explosions on the living. They would not be able to outrun his art.

"We'll capture them alive." Sasori decided, already formulating their attack.

"Why not just kill them?" Anjira inquired.

"We will use whatever leverage we have against the enemy. The best strategy is psychological warfare." He explained. "Don't let them get away, Deidara."

"You don't have to tell me twice, my man!"

As he threw his creations down to bomb them, their targets split up and hid around but the blonde would not let them escape so easily with his bombs constantly on their tails.

"Stop hiding all around the place. Such a pain." Sasori impatiently grumbled.

"They're sneaky enough to be a reconnaissance unit but they're idiots to think they could outrun three artists, hm!"

After some time, bugs started swarming the air.

"It's a jamming jutsu... I can't sense their chakra..." Chukichi told them.

"Anjira, can you get rid of those bugs?" It felt so weird to say her name but he did his best to sound professional.


She played a short song and soon enough the bugs around started dropping dead. Sasori seemed startled by the sudden loud noise but didn't make any comment.

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