February 2021 - The Call

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Before I left for the chiropractic place, my mom showed me a clever camera.

"It can play music; if you look at my phone with this app, you can see our birds!"

I looked at the app and then at the birds to notice that the camera was facing them!

"This can help us monitor their behavior while we're out although they should be in the cage for safety reasons."

To be brutally honest, half the time, I didn't know where Pearl was when she was still alive because her and Pear kept on charging at my feet, scaring me off. I wasn't letting that feeling of not knowing where all my birds were happen again; this camera would do the trick.

First, my mom made it play music from a playlist full of all kinds of music such as peaceful ones and then rock-and-roll-like kinds!

Bluey ran to the camera for whatever reason; I just couldn't trust the fact that he would stay there the entire duration we'd be gone. Therefore, I put him and Pear in the cage.

After a few hours, including the time driving there, the chiropractor treatment was done; we decided to check up on the birds to see that my brother let them out and gave them food!

The most fascinating part of it, in my opinion, was that it could be like a Facetime!

The only drawback would be that the music would be stopped.

"Hi, Bluey! Hi, Pear!" I called out.



Aw, they hear me!

"When I come home, we're going to eat lunch and then celebrate your birthday, okay Pear?"


It was also my mom's birthday, so we decided that we should celebrate it together!


"It can play music; if you look at my phone with this app, you can see our birds!" my grandma said to my mom regarding a camera. "This can help us monitor their behavior while we're out although they should be in the cage for safety reasons."

Wow, what a beautiful tune!

I quickly walked toward it to see Bubbles in there, but my mom held me back.

Once they left, I turned to Pear. "Isn't this such a nice present for your birthday?!"

"I mean...I guess."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's just that I like my privacy. What if I do something embarrassing in the cage; they see it?"

"I'm sure the music would halt or something so that we can be prepared and be on our best behavior. They should call soon; for now, do you want to jam to this beat?!"

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