Ni Bi

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Wei Wuxian 's PoV


"When I arrived to warn him of the arrival of the cultivators. I found them both lying on the ground. Wei Wuxian's hand was on Lan Wangji's cheek. Lan Wangji was holding Siubian.

It only took me a moment to understand! The unmade bed, the smile on my friend's lips, the tears in Lan Wangji's eyes, their faces so close... I couldn't let the cultivators discover them like that! So I pulled them apart. I placed Siubian in his owner's hand. I took the sheets off the bed and folded the blanket back.

At that moment, I realized that Ni Bi had followed me. She was kneeling next to her father's body and shaking him to wake him up. I told her that he would not wake up and that an evil man had put him to sleep forever. Wen Qing glared at my soul mate.

"I then had the idea to collect his spiritual essence so that maybe one day, he could become his guardian spirit.

I knew that Wei Wuxian kept a spirit receptacle in one of the pieces of furniture in his room. I used it, but I didn't foresee what happened!

"What do you mean?" asked Xichen.

Wen Qing turned to him. It looked like she was searching for the words to use.

"Well, when I collected Wei Wuxian's spiritual essence, I could see that she wasn't alone..."

"What do you mean, not alone?" I asked.

"Lan Wangji's essence had merged with hers.

Lan Zhan looked at me and said, "Soul mates, like us."

Little Ni Bi's tears had dried up and she had fallen asleep in my arms. I rocked her gently.

I wondered about this child. She had my eyes. She was my daughter, the daughter of my other self. She also had a, I don't know what, Shijié...

"Wen Qing, Ni Bi, her mother..."

"Her mother was Jiang Yanli, the milk sister of Wei Wuxian."

"Wen Qing, I have trouble with this how did this happen? Did he..."

"Forced... no! Of course not!"

Wen Qing looked at me. She looked embarrassed. It was true that I was asking her some rather embarrassing private questions. But I had to know!

"At that time, I had just lost my brother and my whole family. We were a distant branch of the Wen Clan. To Wen Ruohan, we were expendable... I was on a mission when the massacre took place, and he had sent me away, knowing that they would all die. I could hardly get over it. Jiang Yanli and I met shortly after she escaped from Wen Chao's clutches. Knowing my friend's brotherly feelings, I decided to help her.

I guided her here and we waited for Wei Wuxian. In this place, the talismans and the celestial heart of the mountain allowed him to escape Wen Ruohan's control and be himself.

They shared their sorrow, their pain and one thing led to another .... Their despair made them forget for a moment the filial bond they considered to unite them. This happened only once! Some time later, Yanli discovered that she was pregnant. But the child could be either Wen Chao's or Wei Wuxian's. At first, she asked me to "pass it on". Wuxian managed to convince her to keep it, after all there was a very small chance that it was his!

Unfortunately, there was a problem during the delivery. She hemorrhaged and I couldn't stop it. She died in childbirth, but she had time to see that her daughter's eyes were Wuxian's eyes. She died smiling.

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