Moving Space

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Cici:wow this whole half of the castle is for me! George:Duh but I have to show you something secret wait let me*Plucks pink flowers off cici*Yup better your outfit can't have pink..doesn't match the code... Cici:What?!why?! George:Its something george 1st made I don't know I think its because he was colorblind he thought it was red so he would mistake if for a mushroom once it made him seem like a fool it was at...a certain wedding....Cici:His wedding o-George:No no fundy and dreams but thats another story she'll teach you..Cici:She?Who She?George:Your friend layla! Cici:oh cool! George:Ok..Here we are finally my secret house...well its not mine its George the 1sts...Cici:oh ok whats the code? George:There is no code you just have to grow a mushroom and it'll unlock only the highest can do it..You'll learn how to do it at todays ceremony. Cici:But the-George:We just say we give it too you to show you are the new ruler of kinoko ok?But for the notfound family...its important secretly.. Cici:oh well ok      {They go into the house when they leave the locked up forest room and to the huge dining room and shake shack they see a certain someone.. Kenzie:Hi guys! George:Hello 3rd one!Are you..-Kenzie:yup just doing the last part of my corset and I'll be done!

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