Part 1

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Third-person POV

It's nighttime and the Spikels are getting ready for bed. Scorpi snuggled with Hoogi, getting comfortable, and then he started to doze off.

In Scorpi's dream:

It was a beautiful day and the Spikels are having a picnic and eating hamlonga sandwiches.

"Oh Scorpi, I just LOVE this picnic!" Exclaimed Footi.

"Yeah, me too!" Replied Scorpi.

Suddenly, Nixel chanting was heard and the Spikels realized that the nixels were heading towards their picnic.

"Quick, run! I'll hold them off!" Warned Footi.

The Spikels then ran off, leaving Footi to protect the picnic.

"Stay back, this is MY tribe's picnic, got it?" Footi told the nixel swarm.

"NO, OURS! NOT YOURS!" Shouted the nixel swarm.

The nixel swarm ran over Footi, nixing him entirely. The chase was on, and the nixel swarm along with nixed Footi were on the other Spikels' tail. Suddenly, the floor was cracking, and Hoogi and Scorpi fell through the floor, screaming for their lives.

In reality:

"AGH!" Screamed Scorpi, whose yell woke up his tribemates.

"Hey Scorpi, what's wrong?" Asked Footi.

Scorpi was too frightened of his nightmare to tell Footi, so he stayed silent, shivering.

"Must be a bad dream." Said Hoogi.

"Well, maybe you're right, Hoogi." Said Footi.

"Do you want a bedtime story to cheer you up?"

Scorpi then rapidly nodded yes, and Footi started telling a tale of pink and blue mixels who were the opposite of Spikels, for they were soft instead of sharp.

"Once upon a time, there was a magical door in a mysterious forest. The forest was called 'Kotodama Forest'." Said Footi.

"One way, me, Scorpi, and Hoogi all went to the forest because we heard there was a portal to another dimension somewhere deep into there."

Footi's POV & In Footi's Story:

On our way to the door, we saw a mysterious, golden key that looked exactly like the one from the Mixamajig Scam. When I picked up the key, it glowed and its pupils started looking at something, so I turned around and saw a maroon door with a giant keyhole in the center of it, which I assume was what the key was looking at.

"Lookie, it's a door!" Shouted Hoogi.

And so, we ran towards the door and tried to unlock it, but nothing happened. Suddenly, a light came from the cracks and crevices of the door and its keyhole! The light was getting brighter by the second, and it was even getting blinding! Suddenly, me, Hoogi, and Scorpi couldn't see the light anymore. In fact, we weren't in Kotodama Forest anymore, we were in some kind of pastel-colored place.

"Footi? I don't think we're in Mixel Land anymore." Said Scorpi.

"Yeah, I can see that." I told Scorpi.

Suddenly, three pink and blue mixels were coming towards us, but for what reason, you may ask?

Out of the story & in Third-person POV:

"Good point, who WERE those three mixels?" Asked Hoogi.

"They were known as the Softoids, a tribe in which is the opposite of us." Said Footi.

"For example, there's no leader of the Softoids, their tribe is smooth while ours is sharp, the nixels there are called 'Nyxies' and they are all spherical instead of cubical, the youngest in the group is confident, AND she was the one who loved ballet."

(A/N: Here is an example of a Nyxie below. Also, credits to the Mixels Wiki for the image.)

Scorpi squeaked in curiosity, which meant that he wanted to hear more of the story

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Scorpi squeaked in curiosity, which meant that he wanted to hear more of the story.

"Alright, I'll continue the story." Said Footi.

Footi's POV & In Footi's Story:

As I was saying, three pink and blue mixels were coming towards us, but for what reason, you may ask? Well, it was because those mixels were curious about us, more so about how about we got here to be specific.

"Hey, who are you guys?" Asked the first mixel.

"I'm Footi, this is Hoogi, and this is Scorpi. We are the Spikels!" I introduced and then tap-danced.

"Well, my name is Phlannle, and this is Pillo and Wullunnie." Said the first mixel.

"We're the Softoids, you know, Spikels?"

We nodded, and then Hoogi decided to ask a question about this place.

"Quick question, where are we?" Asked Hoogi.

"Well, you're in Softie City! My most favorite place in the WORLD!" Introduced Wullunnie.

Thanks MysticNeko300 for giving me the idea for this part of Part 1!

We asked for a tour around Softie City, and the Softoids gladly accepted

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We asked for a tour around Softie City, and the Softoids gladly accepted. They first took us to a colorful river which was gold and pink mixed together as its colors. It looked really mesmerizing and so beautiful.

"This is Quilt River, where the Soft Berries grow more often, like these!" Explained Pillo as he picked a fresh Soft Berry.

"Don't eat the ones with the spots, the ones with the spots are moldy."

Suddenly, soft squeaks were heard and when we, Pillo, and Phlannle turned to Wullunnie, we saw that Scorpi was snuggling on Wullunnie's feet.

"I think he loves me!" Exclaimed Wullunnie.

(A/N: Hey guys, I need your help. What should happen next in this chapter? Let me know in the comments below!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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