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I shifted around under the covers, slowly beginning to wake up. "Good morning," i hear a voice next to me speak. I smile as the thoughts of the previous nights come to mind, turning over i meet those beautiful brown eyes that mesmerize me every time. "Good morning Isac," i peck his lips as his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me in closer to him. "I love you," Isac speaks as his finger lazily draws figures on my back . "I love you too Isac," I say barely audible, but meant it. "Let's just stay in bed all day." "We have to go christmas shopping Isac." "But i'm so comfortable right here with you, and we can cuddle all day and we can have fun," he says leaving kiss on the top of my head. "Isac we've already put off shopping like twice, we need to go today," I pull back a little to meet his eyes. He nods knowing that I'm right. "Good, imma go get ready."

I get out of his grip and pick up my underwear that are on his floor, next to them was Isac's shirt so i slide that on and make my way the bathroom.
I look at my reflection once I'm in the restroom. My hair is a mess, i have traces of eyeliner and mascara under my eyes, and of course my neck and collarbone are covered in love bites. I sigh knowing that the hickies are going to be hard to hide due to the fact that they are a dark purple. I shower and then get ready. Walking back into the room i see Isac fixing his hair. "Babe what am i going to do with these? They're impossible to hide." I lean my head to the side to show Isac all the hickies he left the night before. A smirk forms on Isac's lips as he sees his marks all over me. "I say leave them, it's not like you'll be able to cover them perfectly because they're like really dark," he chuckles. "Yeah thanks to you," I scoff jokingly. Isac walks towards me, places his hands on my waist, lowering his head to my ear he whispers "You weren't complaining when i was making them, more like moaning to keep going." A shiver goes down my spine as i pull him in for a kiss. I feel Isac smile into the kiss and so do I.

At the mall Isac and I go into a kids store to buy presents for my sister. I felt someone stare as Isac and i picked some cute stuff that my sister would like. i turned my head and saw this middle aged woman starting at Isac and i, and the she looked at my neck. I rolled my eyes and got back to picking stuff out for my sister "Could she make it any more obvious she's judging us?" I say to Isac who is unaware of the woman. "What?" Isac asked. "The woman," i mumble. He turns his head and sees the woman. "She's just jealous she can't get any at all," I laugh at Isac's comment. He wraps his arm around my waist, and places a kiss on my head. "Come on let's pay for this, and then we'll go home and I'll make sure to leave my marks in places only you and i can see."

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