The Reveal

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-I wanted to do in that very moment.

I put my tennis shoes on, grabbed my car keys and made my way out the front door. I got into my car and slammed the door. I was determined to find out what happened to my boyfriend. Before I realized there was a location tracker in my car, I was about to speed out the driveway. I was determined and too angry to even realize the things that were in my car.
I pushed on the "location tracker" button and to my surprise, the last place my car had been was, "unknown". That led me to suspension. Where the hell was my boyfriend last Saturday night!?
I sped off to that location after, tracking it down piece by piece until, I had finally, made it there.
I got out of the car carefully since i know I didn't bring any weapons or things to keep myself safe.
-I closed the door to the car quietly and slowly walked towards the alleyway that the location tracker led me too.
As I walked, I could see a male looking figure in the distance. I couldn't exactly tell what it was since it was so dark though. So, I kept walking towards it very slowly..
As I got closer and closer to this figure, I soon realized that it was my boyfriend!
Just laying there, Lifeless.
He had been brutally murdered with a knife. Blood stains were all over his body, his arms were slit, top to bottom.
He had been beaten in the face, multiple times til the point his entire face was purple.
I was devastated.
I couldn't even find it in my body to cry.
I was just standing there in shock until, it was just unbearable. I ran back to my car, slammed the door and sped off not
even knowing where it would lead me.
Let alone, I didn't even care where it took me. I just didn't want to see my beloved, Cameron in his current body state.

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