He's Gone

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On a Saturday night, me and my boyfriend were sleeping. Until, suddenly, I heard a loud *BANG* coming from downstairs.
I didn't think anything of it because it was only 7:00am. My boyfriend always wakes up and cook breakfast at this time of the night before he goes to work. So, I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

*Sunday Morning*

I woke up and turned around just to find out that my boyfriend was not in the bed with me. It was a sunday morning, "he doesn't have work today." I say to myself.
Then, I suddenly realized that he shouldn't have been up last night if he didn't have to work today.
I rolled out of bed, put my slippers on and went downstairs to check if he was there incase I was overreacting.
He wasn't there either. I then, determined to find my boyfriend, searched the entire house. Room by room, bathroom to bathroom. But, their were still no signs of him, at all.
I was in shock and disbelief that he was gone. I can't believe he just disappeared out of nowhere! I had just seen him last night, heck, I just SLEPT with this guy, as well.
There's no way he would have left MY house without telling me where he was going.

Something was up. And I am gonna be the first one to find out, what it was.

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