Creative writing

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A New World 

Description: 6 years after Clary gives birth to Lucas and Nadia The Herondale Family is very happy until one angel threatens the safety of the family. Nadia Lucy Herondale is the daughter of two powerful Nephilim. Nadia is the very opposite of her twin brother, she is kind and caring but her only problem is that she is just like her mom, she's too kind. She loves her twin brother very much, she would do anything to protect her brother. She is very powerful and she loves training with her brother.


"Hey Lucas come let's go to the training room"

"So I can beat you again, I'm better than you"

"No, not to see who's better, just for fun"

"So, just because your like mom all calm and nice I just have to wait till you turn like dad and me"

"Like what, full of yourself, and the fact that I'm like mom is good, I don't have a big fat EGO!"

She was very kind, but since she was like her mom she would always look the other way and ignore the fact that sometimes Lucas was a big dummy but she would always acknowledge the fact that when it came to family Lucas would come out and show his bravery and kindness

Lucas Dimitri Herondale was just like his father; he was very full of himself but when it came to family nothing else mattered. He was very brave and hard headed, he also loved his sister very much and even if everyday he said "leave me alone, I hate you" to Nadia he always deep down loved her, if anything happened to Nadia he would die. Lucas and Nadia are very powerful.

"Naida can you hear me, I'm in big trouble."

"I've told you to stop getting in my head."

"Sorry but you know I would not do it if it wasn't important."

"Fine just stop talking to me in my head, it's very weird."

"Ok, I'll stop, just come to the institute library."

"I'll be there in 2 min just wait for me there Lucas."

Naida and Lucas are very powerful, they are almost 100% nephilim so that made them almost completely angels. Since their twins are connected mentaly, they know what each other is thinking (like me and my sister). Lucas and Nadia were connected in life and soul but would that be enough to stop the great threats that awaits them.

The ordinary world

"Nadia wake up, mom is calling us for breakfast." Lucas said

"Are you kidding me it's not even 6:00." said Nadia

"If you don't wake up I'm going to tell mom."

"You're a big tattletale."

Before Nadia and Lucas went to the kitchen to eat breakfast they overheard their parents talking about something, "Hon we have to tell them, they have to know that they're not safe anymore." Clary said "How are we going to tell them that they're mentally connected and that they have more angel blood than the rest of them." Jace said

"They're going to find out, when they have to face the angels." Clary said

Nadia and Lucas didn't know what they were talking about, what did they mean when their parents said they had extra angel blood, was life going to be that bad if they found out. When they got to the kitchen their parents explained everything. But now they were scared how they would survive the wrath of the angels. It wasn't their fault they were a threat to the angles. What were they going to do

"Nadia, Lucas come down here we have to tell you something." Clary said

"Ok, were coming" Nadia and Lucas said at the same time

"Hey guys, good morning, you see how you have more powers than your cousins" Jace asked

"Yes so what, you said were special" Lucas said

"You are, apparently your too special" Clary said

"What do you mean we're too special" Nadia asked

"The angles think you're a threat because you have powers beyond there understanding so they want to terminate you" Jace said

"Hey what do you think dad means by the angels want to terminate us" Lucas asked Nadia

"If you payed attention in class you would know that means to basically kill" Nadia said


"Lower your voice, we don't want the whole world to find out"

When they went to the room they were so confused, but it wasn't for long because when they turned around a glowing man was just standing there, Nadia and Lucas just yelled and their parents came running. When their parents saw who was in the room they explained that he was an angel but he was not like the rest, he was the reason Clary, Jace, Nadia, and Lucas had special powers. They explained how he was here to help them.

Now Nadia was extra confused because their parents just said that the angels wanted to kill them, but now there was an angel that is helping them. Clary said that because Jace and her have his blood in their system, they are connected to him and he knows when we're in trouble. He's like your garden angel, he will save you from the other angels, the ones that are going to try to terminate you

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