The New Deal

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The new deal was a Failure

Intro: The Great Depression started in 1929 because of the stock market crash. In 1933 The New Deal was passed by FDR; President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The New Deal was formed so that people could get out of poverty, homelessness, hunger, and unemployment. The Depression hit hard for many people. Although some considered the new deal a success, it was actually a failure because almost everyone gained jobs, all except people of color. It was also a failure because white people got more incentives and more care than a person of color, and most things weren't fair.

Topic Sentence 1: The New Deal was a failure because everyone except people of color got extra jobs and money after they became old/after they retired. I know this because document B said, "White landlords could make more money by leaving land unfarmed than by putting land back into production" This shows me that it was easy for white people to make money by basically doing nothing. I also know this because document E said, "Out here the hearts of men are failing For these are latter days we know The Great Depression now is spreading" This shows me that the writer of this poem/song was reflecting on what he had to go through and what he had to do to get through life.

Topic Sentence 2:The new deal was a failure because not everyone got the same care and benefits, most things weren't fair. I know this because document B said, "Most of The New Deal Programs discriminate against blacks" This shows me that people of color were not included in the benefits. And never had any say in jobs or the amount of money they got. I also know this because document B said, "The AAA's policies forced more than 100,000 blacks off the land in 1933 and 1934." This shows that People of color lost their jobs and lost the only thing to keep them on their feet.

Closing: some people say that The New Deal was very Beneficial, but I Say that Even If The new deal was beneficial in some cases it still didn't help the people that needed it the most. Everyone gained jobs and money to help their life except people of color. That is why I think that The New Deal was not beneficial. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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