Essay's about the war (Pt 2)

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Russian Revolution 

Description: This is about the Russian revolution but we had to read "Animal Farm" and we had to compare how "Animal Farm" was like a gargantuan metaphor.

Intro: Did you know Animal farm is just this gargantuan metaphor for the Russian revolution? The Russian revolution started when workers started to rebel against a man called Joseph Stalin. Right now you might be asking what does this have to do with the book "Animal farm". In the book "Animal farm" the Animals are the workers and Napoleon is Joseph Stalin. In both, the book and real-life the people/animals rebelled because they saw other people/animals getting treated better and saw that Stalin/napoleon was taking advantage of them, in conclusion, "Animal farm" is basically a children's book for the Russian revolution

Body Paragraph: In Animal Farm, language was used to manipulate and try and change their own beliefs by controlling them. My first piece of evidence is from chapter 9 pg. 124 it said " a wicked rumour had been circulated at the time of boxer's removal. Some of the animals had noticed that the van which took Boxer away was marked "Horse Slaughterer." This shows how language was used to manipulate because the animals were told that Boxer was going somewhere, where he could heal and somewhere that was safe. I also think this shows manipulation because Napoleon didn't let the animals grieve properly. My second piece of evidence is "All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything that they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings." This shows how language was used to manipulate and control by using false information because the animals were told that if they worked hard and did all the work on the farm they would earn more, it would help provide for their family, and it would be helping the generation after them. Some might say that language can be used positively because it can be used to get what you want but you would also help other animals. For example, this happened on the farm when Napoleon was giving a lot of work to all the animals. However, that was not as powerful as when language was used to make life "better" for the animals on the farm yet after all that the only reason was to better one person and that was not all the animals it was napoleon. Overall, these events changed the animals' lives for the worse, because language was used to manipulate and control.

Conclusion Paragraph: Napoleon/Stalin did what they did best to gain power and his high status as a "great" leader in the soviet unit. Stalin most famous quote "Есть человек – есть проблема, нет человека – нет проблемы." which means in his perspective if you were a week man/woman you deserved to die, "you are only as week as your weakest link." "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem."

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