Chap 4- Hey...

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1st October 2020

Dear Cairo,

Hi. It's been 4 years now... I miss you, I really do! This letter is going to be kind of different because... there is this new girl I met. Her name is Lilac and she is Italian. We started dating around 3 months ago. I know it might be still too early but I think I might be started to fall in love with her.

My feelings for you are still there and will always be there, but don't worry, she knows about you. I told her everything and she said that she does not expect me to love her as much as I love you but I should just love with at least a quarter of my heart. She understands that no one could fully replace you.

Lilac is a really nice person and I am 100% positive that you would have become good friends with her. We moved in together last month. My parents love her and so do yours! I told her that your parents would like to meet her as they requested and they adored her. They even made her Spam Musubi, your favourite, and she loved it.

She reminds me of you to be honest. I am not sure if that is why I am with her or if it is because I truly love her. I know that is a really idiotic thing to say but it is true. Cai, I do not know what to do. I guess am scared. Scared of losing someone I love...again.

Love from Jayden Grant

P.S I still love you

P.S I still love you: Letters from my heartWhere stories live. Discover now