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       "YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF JUNK! GET OUT! NEVER EVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN! GOT IT?!" my parents yelled at me. They dragged me by the ear and threw me out with a suitcase full of my things. Hold on, lemme back up so you know what's happening.

30 minutes earlier

       "Brooke!" My dad called for me. I had gotten home from school and showed them a "bad grade".

       "Yea, dad?" I answered.

       "You got a B on your test? Did you even study for it? Is it to hard to ask you to get good grades?"

       "A B isn't that bad, dad. I'm still one of the top students. I'll do better though." Wrong move.

       "'Isn't that bad'? You are supposed to get A's I did not send you to school to be mediocre. YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF JUNK! GET OUT! NEVER EVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN! GOT IT?!"

       Well, that kinda catches you up. By the way, my name is Brooke Carter, and I'm seventeen years old. I'm a senior, obviously. I'm also an undercover spy. I'm the leading one too. I've been a spy for four years. I'm basically invisible in school which is how I like it. I'm kind of a forced nerd. I hate self-entitled rich kids cause they're jerks. I love Disney. I have one friend and one friend only. His name is Jacob. He's a nerd as well. Anyways, he's also my spy partner. I don't get close to a lot of people or else I'd put them in danger. My parents don't know I'm a spy. My boss doesn't know what I look like. So now that I have been kicked out, I need to find a new place to live. Maybe I can stay with Jacob. Oh, one more thing, I work in a coffee shop. I've gotta have some normalcy in my life.

A couple hours later.

       "Soo... can I stay with you? I don't really have anywhere else. And I know the routine. I don't know you at school, and no one knows where I live. Please, I don't have anywhere else," I begged.

       "Fine, but if we people suspect we know each other, I'm throwing you out. I'm not putting you in danger just because people suspect I'm... well, you know. Are you going to work soon?" Jacob asked.

       "No, my boss somehow overheard what my family did so she gave me the day off. I was honestly looking forward to working today. I would've been able to distract myself from my current situation."

       "I'm gonna switch schools just to be safe. I'm not in your school yet, but if you want me to come to your school I can. It doesn't exactly go with what I planned to do, but you're in a rough spot and I do wanna help you through it. Go get settled and we'll talk later."

       I nodded my head and took off to find a suitable room for me. His house looked small on the outside, but you go inside and it looks huge. I thoroughly enjoyed walking through the entire house. Once I got settled, I laid down on my bed. I was so wiped out from the day's events that I ended up falling asleep. While I was asleep, I kept getting nightmares of me being thrown out of the only home I'd ever known. Talk about fun. I need to get a life so that I don't sleep all day and have nightmares. Missions don't count. I'm on temporary sabbatical anyways. I might have broken my arm on my last mission. No one asked about it though, so I'm safe. My parents didn't even ask. Talk about loving parents. 

       "They're just busy," I told myself. Oh, who am I kidding? My parents are glad I'm gone and have been trying to get rid of me forever. I got up and went looking for Jacob.  "Jacob!" I called out. I hear a yeah and hunt for the source.

       Whew! I found him. "I made up my mind. I would like you to switch to my school. I need as much help as possible, but you're my only friend," I told him.

       "Sure, I've already switched over. I knew you were gonna say that, so I took the initiative. I'm gonna go get something to eat. Do you want something?" he asked.

       "No thanks, I'm gonna go unpack with my one arm," I responded.

       "Don't blame me for your broken arm. It was totally your fault."

       "Yeah, yeah. Everything's my fault these days. Night, I'm gonna go to sleep after I unpack a little bit."


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