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       I hate my dad. He has this perfect idea of who he wants me to be, but I don't want to be that person. *message alert* Oh my word! Leave me alone! You can't control every part of my life, no matter how hard you try!

       Sorry about that. My name is Aiden Matthews. I'm seventeen and miserable. I'm smart, but everyone assumes I'm dumb. My father is a huge business man, and he expects me to take over for him. I'm a senior in high school, even though I could've skipped a grade. I was going to skip a grade, but my dad got mad at that idea. I'm literally expected to be perfect. I'm generous, well... I'd like to think I am. I only have fake friends, and I would love to get away from them, but my dad has to control who my friends are too. The people I'm forced to be friends with are other rich people's kids and they are jerks. They make fun of people every chance they get, especially nerds. They are the cliché rich kids, and I'm forced to hang out with them. I have noticed that they pick on one girl in particular, Brooke Carter, but it doesn't seem to phase her. She doesn't even stop what she's doing to issue a reply; she'll just mutter, "Rich kid jerks," and continue working. I gotta hand it to her, I'm impressed. I want to help her with something. Go against my dad's wishes and follow mine. There's something going on with her that I've noticed. I know that makes me sound like a creep, but there are two reasons I can give to justify it. One: she comes to school with bruises on her face(sometimes a broken bone), and two: whenever a hand shoots up, she jumps and looks around as if someone's gonna attack her. Plus, she could be really pretty, but she dresses up like a nerd and tries to stay invisible. I think the only reason I've noticed her is either the "rich kid jerks" or that I feel invisible too.

       I've made up my mind. I'm going to help her, and I might get to the bottom of what's happening to make her come in with fresh bruises every day. Alright, now obviously, if I'm gonna help her, I need to know about her. I currently know that she works at a cute little coffee shop, has a broken arm, and she's a senior, so I'm gonna be that creep that looks people up on the school database to find out more.

Search: Brooke Carter

information(recently updated)

Home: unknown

Friends: none

Parents: unknown

Siblings: unknown

Birthday: unknown

Age: seventeen

Grade: senior/12th

Social media sites: none

Job: Tammy's Coffee

Allergies: unknown

       There's nothing about her. It's like she's a ghost. She doesn't even have social media! Who doesn't have social media? I guess I get to find out the old fashioned way, good old talking to her. I'm gonna search for her on the internet real quick.

Search: Brooke Carter


No results! Ok, she really is like a ghost.

Update complete. Trial successful. Results sent. Thank you for your help, it has been much appreciated.

       What on earth! Someone did this on purpose? Who? I'm so confused. I'm just gonna talk to her in person on Monday. I have the whole weekend to try to come up with a good reason to talk to a nerd. *light bulb* Ding-ding-ding! I've got it! I need a tutor. Oh, I'm brilliant. Wait, I mean I'm stupid, and the plan is brilliant. I think. Dude! It's 11:45 p.m. I've gotta get to bed. I will solve this mystery though.

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