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Our Story with him is complicated. He was not our first host. He will never be our last. But, He was the one we found to be connected to the most. He was the one who understood me. He understood my need to be good but he also understood the bad. He understood us and I understood him. We became something together. We became Venom.

A hero.

But, Eddie was Eddie. All of his life people have always seen two things about him. He's always been the bully or the loser. They all saw them except for me and her. Anna. Anna was the one before me. She was the one who made him special before I even did. Anna was special. I liked Anna but she didn't like me. She was afraid of me. Even when we came together to help Eddie. But, Then I think we bonded. Either or She betrayed us. She trapped us and lead us to him. General Taylor. He wants us. He wants to use us so that he could make the perfect soldier. But, Also because we took something from him. He wanted vengeance. So, He took it. He attacked us when we were with Anna. He attacked us and separated me and Eddie.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and gasped at the grief. They were hurting emotionally. I felt tears bed along the edges of my eyes. We promised Eddie, We could protect him. He threw us into that truck with his daughter. He was sending us to a base and Eddie. I didn't know what they were doing to him. I just remember him lying there. He was dying. He was hurting and I couldn't save him. I thought I felt grief and helplessness before. When I was raped and the aftermath, it was all I could feel but feeling Venom's. It felt just like me, just ten-fold. I reached out, touching along what I could believe was it's cheek. I saw it's eyes widen for a moment before it seemed to relax against my palm. He leaned forward until his head was placed upon my chest. I need to get him back, Becca. I was when I took control of that soldier. But, Taylor wouldn't have let me go. She shot him and with a host dying I was dying. But, Then I saw you. I had to take my chance. And, You were perfect. You are perfect.

I felt them move and shift lifting from me until they towered above me. You are perfect. You could do something. You can help me. You can help me get him back. Have you ever had a moment in your life where the decisions that you make could lead to something? That something of the outcome would affect your life forever? That was what it felt like having them tower over me. I looked into their eyes. I think if I hadn't made that choice that day I wouldn't have survived like did now. I think I would be a husk of myself. I think I would be dead. I guess it's a good thing I didn't make that choice.

Agent Taylor took in an icy breath as she watched as the chopper descended onto the building roof. The Figure that jumped out was everything her father wanted. Jacob was the perfect soldier in her fathers eyes. He listened to every order but didn't question a single mission given to him. He hunted Mutants, Tortured Terriosts, and made sure that good old America was everything he father needed. But, Taylor was everything she hated and struggled not to become, especially when her brother died. He jumped off the chopper like the blades weren't a worry. He was focused and intent on his mission. He pushed past her ignoring her and heading down the steps to the floor below. She followed after never saying a word. She didn't need to be with Jacob. He wouldn't listen to a damn thing she said anyway. When he got to the floor of his intended target, he tore his jacket and hat off. "Fuck it's freezing out there." He complained about throwing both objects onto the nurse station's desk. The nurse sitting there gasped before giving a look of disgust as she pushed it to the floor. Jacob must have seen that because he looked at her. "You want to pick that up, doll." The look that appeared on that woman's face twisted Taylor's stomach. The woman quickly shuffled from her seat to pick it up and carefully carry it to a desk chair where she laid it down carefully. When She turned back, she didn't look him in the eyes, just simply walked to her desk. Jacob laughed before patting the desk. He did it like the woman was some kind of dog.

He cleared his throat and looked towards the row of rooms. "How is the scientist doing?" He asked never to fully turn to look in her direction. "One's Dead and the other two are stable. A couple broken bones and a laceration..."

"Yeah, Alright. The Girl." Taylor gritted her teeth but answered. " Our boys lost them about three miles from the hospital." Jacob laughed then turned to look at her. "Our Boys. You mean my boys. And, Damn I taught them better than that. I taught you better then that. No tracker, really." He scoffed as he turned to face her. She watched as his gaze ran down her front, taking in her outfit. After Becca's escape she changed into all black snow gear to better traverse the night and snow.

She hated when he looked at her. He hated how his gaze swept down her form like she was a tall drink of water and he was a dying man. She hated how he walked over to her and invaded her face. She hated it when he touched her. She hated it all.

"She showed no indications of possessing the asset. No elevated levels. NO nothing, so why waste resources when it clearly looked like he wasn't there. "

"But, It turned out it wasn't." He nodded his head. "That's something new that I wasn't able to do before. Damn this thing is getting exciting. I can't wait to try it out once we get this girl." He whooped as she slapped her back jarring her forward. She braced herself against the desk before turning back to Jacob. "We are going to need some help though. Forest big and she is just one little old thing. We'll need to contact some of the locals."

Taylor raised her brow and asked."And, Tell them what?" Jacob waved his hand in the air. "She's a dangerous Fugitive. A terrorist something. They'll believe it. Hell with her history. I can see them jumping for joy when they come to get her."

It hit her then, Jacob was wanting more than a hunt. He was feeling blood Thirsty. He didn't want to bring Becca back alive and if he managed to bring Becca and the asset back alive. Becca would be destroyed. She would be nothing but a husk of a woman.

Taylor clenched her fist and took a step forward. Becca didn't deserve this. She had been through enough. She had been reading up on Becca Jackson since her escape. The Girl was young, not too much younger then Taylor but young enough. And, This girl had lived a life. A one that wasn't easy. One that felt a little similiar to her own.

Becca didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve to be hunted again. Taylor reached out, touching Jacob's arm. He flinched for a moment before he relaxed, accepting her touch. He looked down at her and smiled. She hated that smile but she smiled back.

"Do I get to come, Jake?"

"If you want, Sweetness. Change of thought."

"More of CHange of outcome."

"What makes you think I'll let you even come with that attitude."

"I'll let you play. Anything you want? Just as long as I am in on that hunt."

Jacob laughed as he reached down to grip hard on her ass."Then, Get your ass ready. We get moving at Down."
He slapped her ass hard before turning back to the nurse. "I'd like a coffee while you're sitting around. I'll take it in the bunk room when it's ready."

Taylor watched as he walked off heading to the bunker where most of his men waited for him.

She wasn't going to let Jacob hurt her like he did her. So, She was going to make sure that never happened. She was going to play the part. She was going to get what she needed. She was going to make sure that Becca survived this. That Venom was dead. And, Maybe just maybe she could make her Father proud. 

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