Epilogue: Plain

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The sun shone brightly as it slowly floated overhead, casting a golden glow onto the grass-coved land the small tribe called home. The deep ocean water, stretching for what seemed to be miles around the small island, was a deep blue color as the tide quietly came in. Everything was quiet and calm, till a deep sigh cut through the air.

Ismilena shifted in her nest, moving around the sticks, moss, and grass that held it together. She sighed again, turning her head towards the ocean, staring longingly into the distance as if searching for something. So deep in thought, she had failed to notice the figure that had crept up behind her.

"Ismilena!" The words, loud a booming, caught Ismilena off guard, almost making her tumble out of the nest and into the tall grass. "W- What-" "Didn't you hear me? I asked if you had a name picked out yet!" Ismilena turned to face her sister, who sternly looked back at her with deep black eyes. "Oh Mimeana, it's just you." Ismilena sighed, calming down after the scare her sister had given her. Mimeana had always been the loudest of the two, so it surprised her that Ismilena hadn't heard her. But as she noticed the look on her face, and the distant look in her eyes, her stern expression turned into slight worry. "Sister, are you alright? You feeling ok?" "Oh yeah- Sorry Mimeana. I've just been...thinking is all." Ismilena turned back towards the horizon as she spoke. "Well...About what? Have you come up with a name yet?"

"No, not yet. I just..." Ismilena began, staring far into the distance. "When we were cubs, You, Me, and our parents...We were always traveling. Always hoping from place to place, island to island, new home to the next." She said "And even though we were tired of moving so much, we got to see so many things, see so many places...Now that we're just stuck here, on this grassy island. I think I've started to-" "Miss it?" Mimeana cut her off, smiling as her sister turned towards her. "I know. I miss it too. I've seen the way you have been acting ever since our old pack sent us out to start our tribe. How sad you were to have to leave the colorful island we called home, and how upset you were when you saw we ended up here." She patted the ground as she spoke, looking up to meet her sister's gaze.

"But it won't be like this forever! As soon as we grow the tribe and gather enough food, we can go find an even better island! One super big and super colorful! A place where all our future generations can live and play happily! Like old times!" Mimeana sat up excitedly, her voice loud and her smile wide, excitement in her voice as she spoke. " They'll climb trees, hide in the deep bushes, watch the fireflies, and take down any predator or enemy who crosses their path! They'll be the best adventurers the world will ever see!!" She exclaimed, throwing her paws into the air, before losing her footing and falling backward with an "Oof" sound.

Ismilena laughed as her sister pulled herself up and shook the dust from her fur. Mimeana always knew how to cheer her up, so she couldn't help but chuckle at her clumsiness. Mimeana, now back on her hind feet, giggled alongside her sister. They could have laughed and joked there for hours, if not for the sound of shifting catching their attention.

Laying in the nest by Ismilena's paws was a small, brown pup, no more than two days old. It had a small grey mane and dark brown horns on its head. It shifted around for a moment before sitting up and rubbing its eyes. The two older Nichelings watched intently, excited for the pup to open their eyes for the first time. This was the first pup born into the tribe, and the sisters couldn't contain their excitement. The pup finally stopped rubbing their eyes before looking up towards Ismilena, who stood above them.

"Oh Ismilena, they have mother's eyes!" Mimeana exclaimed, looking happily towards her sister. The pup had eyes green as the grass, and Ismilena couldn't help but smile softly as she looked into them. "Hello there, my little ball of moss." Ismilena cooed, looking down at the pup she would call her own.

"Sooooo...Like I asked earlier, do you have a name picked out yet?" Mimeana asked, a curious smile on her face. Ismilena thought for a moment, running any possible names in her head before speaking. "Yes. I think I'll name him, Kulo.

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