Chapter One: Rain

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This chapter will mostly be in 3rd person and narrates mostly Ismilena's POV

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It was a rainy day for the Fern Tribe. All around them water poured down, as deep grey clouds floated in the sky, seemingly going on forever. Drops of water fell from the tall blades of grass and dripped into small puddles on the ground. Cool air was blown around, carrying a small mist of water along with it.

Ismilena lay in her nest, her white and brown fur soaked from the rainwater. She had been trying to fall back to sleep after the rain woke her up, but the thunder had just started and she knew sleep would be impossible at this point. As she sat up, using her paws to wipe the water away from her eyes, she turned her head to the side expecting to see her little pup Kuto near her side. The nest beside her lay empty, and as she looked around she didn't see him either. A crash of thunder sounded as she realized that her young pup, only 3 days old, was nowhere in sight.

Ismilena jumped out of her nest in fright and instantly ran to Kuto's father, Prito, who was gathering tall grass to add to the nest. The rain made it soggy and unstable, so he had been asked to gather some more materials to help keep it standing. Ismilena was at his side in a flash. "Prito, where is our son?! He isn't in the nest with me!" She cried, worry in her voice as she spoke. "I haven't seen him all day! Go ask Mimeana while I look for him, she's by the berry bush!" Prito said, pointing over to the left before heading into the grass to look for his son.

Mimeana had no clue where he was either, as she had been picking all the new ripe berries that the rain had brought. "I saw him hopping near the outside of the camp, and thought he was heading off to help Prito! He must be nearby!" "Try using your nose and see if you pick up his scent! You have the best sense of smell out of all of us!" Ismilena told her sister, looking around slightly as she spoke. Mimeana pointed her snout in the air and sniffed. The rain and wind made it hard to pick up his scent at first, but she soon sensed him and pointed out into the grass.

"He's towards the northwest part of the iland! You have to catch him quick, we don't know what's over there!" Mimeana cried out, but Ismilena had already taken off before she could hear her sister's warning. She splashed through some puddles, reached the end of their clearing, and was gone in a blink of an eye.

On the other side of the island, young Kuto was playing near a tall oak tree, covered in berry juice. He had found a berry bush and eaten the berries off of it while he had gone off exploring. Kuto had no clue how worried he made his mother, that is until she jumped out from the tall grass shouting. "Kuto! What are you doing out here?!"

Poor Kuto, not expecting his mother, tumbled over in fright and into the oak tree causing a nut to fall from the ground and hit him on the head. As he sat up and faced his mother who was talking up a storm with her scolding. "Moooommmmm! I'm ok, aren't I? I just got a little bored is all..." Kuro said, annoyed with his mother for messing up his exploring time. "You Know better than to wander off Kuro!!! And during a rainstorm too! You scared me and your father half to death!!" Ismilena responded. She was upset that her pup had wandered off and worried her so badly, but she was mostly relieved that nothing had found him in the tall grass-

The loud snap of a stick caught their attention. Something big was wandering in the tall grass.

And it was heading right towards them.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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