Chapter 4: Confrontation

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Almond's POV

I put my hand on the glittered-covered handle. Sheer dread rushed through my body the second I saw the church, and keeping my composure was out of the window at that moment. My experiences when it comes to anything that involved churches or worshiping a Cookie's existence, were... desolate, to say the least, so I wasn't looking forward to what lied beyond the door.

And... I'll be honest, I was slightly afraid.

I couldn't let that show. I was nervous, yes, but what's hidden beyond the door was the culprit in a closed church. I was sure that there wouldn't be any other exits for the perpetrator to retreat, so, as of now, they're surrounded.

But there was one other problem that still stood out; there could've been an ambush that waited  for us behind the door.

The culprit's attack is organised in Range, so they had an advantage to attack us as they hid. They can throw whatever comes at me.

But I couldn't let them hurt Luster Dust.

Grim determination filled inside me as I gripped onto the handle, and Luster's hand. I remained on high alert, in case my theory of a surprise attack was correct.

"Stay behind me." I told him firmly, yet quietly. I then turned the handle and pushed the door open.

I cautiously stepped inside the church, half-expected a surprise attack to be dropped on us... and, nothing. As of now. Still, there was no way I was dropping my guard at that moment. I took that chance to have a glance around the inside of the church.

Its interior was rather big, the building was well-structured with big pillars and stones. There were many rows of chairs and those... knee supports for Cookies to kneel down and pray upon the Witches. They were separated into two sides, leaving a passageway in the middle for others to walk through.

What put me on the edge, however, was more on the atmosphere of the place.

The atmosphere was rather... dark and bleak, to put it lightly. The only source of light that helped brighten the darkness were the candles that were lit up, but even those could only provide little light. Every flame from the candle that touches the darkness, it could only illuminate so much, before then leaving the rest of the room untouched in the dark.

The scene from my vision gave off a very gloomy atmosphere, let alone alarming, which, I'm ashamed to say, brought me back to the time where my wife was crumbled. The atmosphere in that church almost matched the day I lost her.

I took a deep breath and brought myself inside, along with Luster Dust. I still had a hold of his hand, although I was careful to not tighten my grip to my extent. I didn't want him to worry.

"Whatever you do, do not go in front of me." I firmly whispered to him, hinting a bit of genuine concern in my voice.

I saw Luster nod. I could sense and saw the fear in him, to which I gave him a look of reassurance. I couldn't bring myself to smile, but then again, what is there to smile in that situation?

A voice was suddenly heard in the room, no doubt that voice belonged to a female Cookie, although her tone sounded rather... cold, and hostile.

"Who goes there?"

Luster Dust's POV

I jumped. That sudden voice gave me a fright. I stayed close behind Almond as he shielded me, as if it looked like a dangerous foe was walking towards us.

It turned out I was right.

Almond and I saw the same thing that was cautiously walked down the altar.

Cookie Run: Sparkle Sleuth || Almond Cookie x Luster Dust Cookie {OC x Canon}Where stories live. Discover now