-Chapter four-

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Pov: Third person

Time: 6am

About an hour had passed, the small boy was still quite terrified, the girl was still being protective of the boy. Dream had finished making breakfast for all of them, a plate for George then a plate each for the kids, he had eaten while cooking so he didn't need any.

Dream smiled as George brought the two kids down, he was holding Kage in his arms while Reverie was holding his wrist, surprisingly George had clothes that fit the two, if he didn't he would've gone and gotten some from another room.

Every so often Dream would see a child just laying in a tree when he went on a drive when he couldn't sleep he eventually got out of the car and offered him a room for the night, he had taken the boy shopping for clothes which turned out to be horrible, the boy tried to attack everyone who looked at him.

Eventually he had brought him the clothes and an overly large plushie of a lion which he could cuddle up to if wanted. He had his own room with his name printed onto it in stickers like his own. Eventually the boy had started to call Dream 'papa' and explained why he was sleeping in a tree every second day.

Dream had let him keep the room and gave him a key to the manor so he could get in if the door was locked.

Dream smiled at George "there's my favourite white boy!" George just rolled his eyes and placed Kage on the couch where the plate was letting Reverie sit where she wanted, which was right next to Kage which left George to sit next to his best friend who is a surprisingly good heat source.

Dream hummed and pulled George onto his lap, just because and nuzzled his cheek with his own kage smiled and them then pulled on his sister's arm looking at them then at her with pleading eyes.

The girl looked between the two males on the other couch, the wolf trying to feed the cat named George while holding him close to his chest protectively. She then looked back at her brother who seemed to be begging her to stay with these two adult males.

The girl wasn't against the idea, they seemed nice, gave them a place to sleep, scared the man off, made them food and gave them clothes to wear, they also seemed close like siblings, no, siblings don't flirt with each other.

The girl shrugged, not knowing if they should stay or if they should leave, or if these two people would want them around any longer. The two started to eat their food seeing as George was eating the same thing and the wolf probably had as well.

Kage liked George; he was nice and warm, unlike the lady known as 'Elizabeth' who was supposed to keep them fed and safe. This large manor feels more like a home to him even though he's been here for barely an hour.

Now the wolf George referred to as 'Dream' seemed to actually care about their well being as well, he had looked over at the door five times already and at all the windows. Wolves are commonly known for protecting people, him being one made Kage feel a little bit safer.

Pov: Kages

These two people are both warm and sweet, I wanna stay here with them, I don't know if Reverie wants to yet but something tells me we might end up staying here. The cat, well George had finished eating and cuddled up to the wolf's chest. The room was getting warmer but it was still cold, I stood up and walked over to Dream.

The wolf looked at me with a confused expression before I did grabby hands at him, he moved george so he would be able to pick me up, I could hear revi suck in a breath as the wolf picked me up and put me on Georges lap with a hum, messing up my hair.

"Would you like to join us, Miss cranky?" Dream asked, referring to Reverie since she was still on high alert. After a couple of seconds I sent her a nod before cuddling into Goerges chest, he wrapped an arm around me only a second later, holding me close like I was one of his own kids.

Reverie slowly made her way over before Dream picked her up and sat her on his lap, having an arm around her, letting her choose to lean into him or not. She did after a few minutes, both of the adults hummed and held us protectively, Dream still glancing at the doors and windows every now and then.

"Who wants to watch a movie?" The blonde asked out of nowhere, George rolled his eyes.

"P-Plseae Dada?"

(Please dada)

George and Dream blinked out of surprise due to me speaking, so did Reverie.

Pov: Dreams

I asked who wanted to watch a movie, knowing I wouldn't get a reply but I got one from the little boy, kage he was all cuddled up in George's arms, speaking for the first time that night. I smiled softly and nodded, putting on the kid friendly movie: How to train your dragon (1).

The boy perked up at the tv, which made me smile, George also smiling, I watched as the girl did the same, both interested in the movie. Good thing I have all the How to train Your Dragon movies, episodes and short videos downloaded because of Sephtis.

I don't think these kids will get bored anytime soon.

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