! teething.toddler !

421 12 0

tommy - two years old
wilbur&techno - nine years old
phil&kristen - old


as kristen finished getting clothes for herself she looked down into the pram to see tommy fast asleep with his dug falling out of his grip every second, she quickly grabbed the slobbery dug and put it in his little bag attached to the pram.

she decided that it would be a good idea to head to tesco while he was asleep and get some clothes for him because he goes through so many, he's always so clumsy spilling food and getting mud on himself when he goes outside so he gets changed more than anyone else in the house does.

about half way through choosing some clothes out for him the boy began to wake up, he began crying. he didn't understand where he was and that upset him, he was overwhelmed as he had just woken up and couldn't see any of his family there with him plus his gums were hurting.

kristen quickly walked round the pram and started to calm him down "shh, it's okay" she handed him dug which he clung onto instantly "shall we go get you a new toy then?"

the tear stained face boy whimpered slightly but nodded, kristen let out a huge sigh of relief as she grabbed the rest of the clothes and headed over to where the kids toys were, tommy was looking around trying to grab things that weren't in his reach. he was sticking his arms out to all the different plushes and cardboard boxes with action figures and fun little things to play with for children.

she quickly found a set of teething toys thanks to tommy who was pointing and making grabby hands at them, they had some little animals in there as well as different shaped and textured toys as well as some teething cubes for him. it was a little expensive but it was worth it as his gums had been hurting a lot at night leading to a few nights of not sleeping.

"do you want this one tommy?" she asks pointing at it.

"yeah, i wan it and me an techy can pay them!"

"and wilby" she smiled.

"yeah!" he clapped his hands.

"alright, don't lose it this time" she chuckles.

"mummy can i get out?"

"when we meet up with daddy, wilbur and techno we can, it's too busy in here"

"but i wan get out!" he kicks his feet.

"tommy not now please, you can get out when i've bought these things and we are outside"


"i'm serious mister, we will get out in a second i just need to buy these things"

he throws dug on the floor in a tantrum, this wasn't a surprise to kristen as tommy often had tantrums when he didn't get his own way. she was used to by now, techno and wilbur were the same when they were his age, it's just how his expresses his feelings but that doesn't mean he can throw things on the floor.

she walked over to it and picked him up wiping him down "tommy you don't do that okay? you've upset dug now, he doesn't want to talk to you"

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