chapter 2 | the past

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Todd sat up. He stepped closer, confused and breathless as he picked up the book, rife with age. The coarseness of it scraped against his palm. He opened it. On the first page was a proclamation he knew by heart.
to be read at the beginning of every d.p.s meeting.

Blinking back memories, Todd began reciting the Henry David Thoreau poem etched on the front page.

I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck the marrow out of life! To put to rout all that was not life / And not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived...
H. D. T

He paused; every ticking clock at Welton paused along with him. In an instance, the world crumbled anew.

When Todd opened his eyes, the moment of nausea replaced by a hyper awareness of his surroundings. The pale walls, the slanted ceiling above him, a radiator's distance between their two beds. Everything looked the same.

"Hey, Todd Anderson. You're tired already, huh?" Todd watched as the figure moved closer to him, his angular features and round, dreamy eyes coming into focus. Neil? He laughed, giving Todd a dimpled smile as he stared in disbelief. In between a heartbeat, Todd darted over to Neil's approaching body and hugged him. Todd's arms curled loosely around Neil's neck, his head resting on Neil's shoulders.

"Wow. Uh...Todd? What's going on?"

"I missed you." Todd's voice trailed off with a suppressed sob, emotion choking his throat and misting his eyes.

"Woah, I just skipped out to the restroom. Next time you can come with me, I promise." Neil laughed again, a teasing grin stretching across his face. His voice softened. "It's only been a day Todd. We have the rest of the Welton years to spend together." Suspecting that Todd was feeling a bit homesick, Neil leaned into him, deepening the hug as he gently patted Todd's back.

"Neil. Neil. Neil."

"I'm here."

Todd released himself from the hug, the moment still unreal. Neil Perry was standing before him? It must've been a mental slip. The book. But if he could live in a reality where Neil lived, that didn't sound bad at all.

"Hey, I think someone's at the door." Neil walked forward to open their door and everything was coming back to Todd. He was reliving the first day. As he stood in place, he could hear Neil and Charlie's conversation.

"How was your summer, slick?"

"Keen." Charlie indeed. He walked in, along with Meeks and Pitts. They plopped down on Neil's side of the room, immediately hyping up the atmosphere.

"This is Todd Anderson. His brother is Jeffrey Anderson."

"Sure." Charlie raised an eyebrow before continuing, "distinguished Welton man. Valedictorian and National Merit Scholar. Heard he started his own million dollar startup."

"Uh, yeah." Charlie chuckled at his reaction. A brief moment of silence ensued before the conversation picked up again when the red head of the room spoke.

"Meeks. I'm Stephen Meeks." Todd nodded politely.

"Meeks' a genius who helps me pass Hellton." Meeks adjusted his glasses while smiling in response.

"He flatters me." Todd kept his tongue still. He knew Meeks was smart.

"I'm Knox Overstreet." Knox stretched his hand over to shake Todd's, who gladly did the same.

"Yeah, his dad just bought over a tech company in the Valley." Huh? This is the future?

"This is Pittsie." The tallest man gave an expressive smile.

"Now, introductions over. Who's in for a study session tonight?"

"Sure, don't forget to ask Cameron over." Neil responded.

"That ass kisser?"

"Don't be so mean to him. He asked about a study session."

"Please, that's not my fault."

After a few more moments of conversation, they settled for a study session at 9 PM tonight. Charlie took out a cigarette and Neil threw him a lighter. Charlie turned to Todd who jerked away as he puffed out a cloud of smoke at his face. "Well, I guess that's it Neil. I shall...." The door rang in a few steady knocks. Charlie quickly tossed the cigarette under his foot, snubbing it out with discrete steps.

"Come on in." Todd knew who it was. "Dad?" The rest of them gave a polite nod as Mr. Perry assured them he was only here to give Neil a few words.

"Come with me." Todd frowned as he saw Neil's walk behind his father in quiet, careful steps, his smile dissipating from only moments before.

He knew what Mr. Perry wanted—for him to quit the school newspaper—to make Neil follow his path to success. Now, Todd saw the seed sowed in every decision before the last. Like dominoes, it fell apart on the last, but if he could change the course anytime between this process. If he could stop all the dominoes from falling, maybe he can change everyone's trajectory.

"Mr. Perry!" Todd.

"Todd, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Perry, I think it's wonderful that you care about Neil. You want him to be prosperous and happy in the future I'm sure. But the best way to do it perhaps is not to force your own will upon him. He can make his own decisions." Took took a deep breath as he finished those words. Neil's eyes widened in disbelief along with others in the room. Everyone's gaze darted back to Mr. Perry as he raised his eyebrows and then compressed them.

"You must be Todd Anderson. I've heard great things about your brother. Your father, too, is a brilliant man. I've heard amazing things about his new food therapy store downtown. I'm sure you will do great things as well. But young man, perhaps it is a bit too brash of you to question the way I choose to educate my own son.''

"Dad, Todd didn't mean to—"

"Enough. Neil, I want you to quit your role at the school newspaper starting this semester." 
"Mr. Perry!"

"Todd, please." Neil whispered.

"Yes dad. Will do."

"Wonderful." Mr. Perry turned around to the others in the room and lightly waved his hand.

"Have a great day young men."

"Bye Mr. Perry." They chanted.




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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