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~skip time~

chaeryeong class end so she go straight into her younger sister classroom..

chaeryeong was about to go see her younger sister when she bump into someone

"omg im sorry!" chaeryeong said as she bowed and bowed 

"ani its- chaeryeong?"the girl said which made chaeryeong looked up her eyes went wide

'chaeryeong anyone! anyone why yeji?? why did you bumped into her??' she thought cursing on herself

"uh chaeryeong? you can stop bowing now you know? you just bumped into me.." yeji said once again chaeryeong curse and finally looking at the older

"u-uhh im s-sorry u-unnie i d-didnt m-mean to bump i-into y-you" chaeryeong stuttered

yeji chuckled and said "i told you its fine" "by the way, why are you here?" she added

"oh.. uh I came here to pick up my younger sister.. uh how about you?" chaeryeong ask

"oh im just walking around here then i bump into you so yeah" yeji said 

"Unnie!!" someone shouted chaeryeong looked around and saw her sister running towards to her

"dont run chaechae!" chaeryeong said "sorry" chaemin said when she's infront of her sister

"lets go now unnie-" chaemin cut off when she saw yeji who's smiling at her when their eyes meant

"unnie who's this?" chaemin ask pointing at the older "o-oh thats yeji unnie.. my schoolmate.." chaeryeong said chaemin looked at yeji then smiled "yeji unnie you're really pretty!" chaemin said

"oh really thank you!, you too uhh" "chaemin!" "chaemin you're pretty too chaemin ah" yeji said as she sit and pat chaemin head 

chaemin and yeji chuckled "uh chaemin we should go now.." chaeryeong interrupted "oh right.. bye unnie! see you around!" chaemin said as she go into the main gate leaving chaeryeong 

"u-uhh.. i need to g-go now unnie.. uh see you?" chaeryeong said yeji chuckled and said "see you tomorrow ryeong bye" 

chaeryeong run toward to chaemin who's waiting in the main gate

"unnie took you so long" chaemin said while chaeryeong was panting "chaemin i told you dont run!" chaeryeong scolding as she catch her breath

"unnie.. your.. red!" chaemin said "what?" chaeryeong says and touch her face "i-i am?" chaeryeong ask 

"wait.. dont tell me you had a crush on yeji unnie?!" chaemin teasingly ask "what n-no!" chaeryeong quickly reply "yes you are~!" chaemin said 

"i dont!" "then why are you red?" chaemin ask "i.. uh ofcourse i am b-because you run.. so i run to catch you!" chaeryeong reasoned "sure~" chaeryeong frown and said "lets just visit unnie? huh?" as she raised her eyebrows

-Espresso Café-

the name where chaeyeon's working


as soon the bell ring in the entrance chaeyeon happily greeted "Hello welcome to the Espresso Café-"

"chaeries!" chaeyeon said when she saw her younger sisters enter "unnie!" chaemin said "the school ended?" chaeyeon ask chaeryeong who nod at her

"have a sit i will give you guys a coffee, but only chaeryeong not you chaemin.. i will just give you a treats and milk" chaeyeon said

"aw i really want to try a coffee.." chaemin said and pouted "dont worry chaechae you will when you got older" chaeryeong said and lead to take a table

a few later

"one americano, one milk and two slice of cheese cake" chaeyeon said as she put the coffee and other on the table

"thank you unnie!" chaeryeong and chaemin said chaeyeon joined them and start talking to eachother since this day wasnt really have a many costumer

"by the way unnie! chaeryeong unnie have a crush on a girl!" chaemin suddenly said which made chaeryeong choke on her coffee "oh really? who is it chaechae tell me" chaeyeon said as she smirk while looking at chaeryeong

"chaemin dont you dare" chaeryeong threatened "yeji the girl name yeji... unnie!" chaemin said

"oh god chaemin!" chaeryeong said as she glared at her younger sister "ooo yeji huh? let me know who this girl is" chaeyeon teased

"ahhh unnie i dont have a crush!" chaeryeong whined "and you know unnie yeji unnie was really pretty!" chaemin said "ah really??" chaeyeong ask chaemin nodded and said "she had an cat eyes thats really suit to her! she's really pretty!" 

chaeryeong whined once again as she take a sip on her coffee 

"Wait unnie thats her!" chaemin said "YEJI UNNIE!" chaemin added chaeryeong looked behind her if chaemin is telling the truth


"hey chaemin, chaeryeong glad to see you here" yeji said with a smile "see i told you she's pretty unnie!" chaemin proudly said 

"you're right chaechae, hi im chaeyeon their older sister" chaeyeong said as she pointed at chaemin and chaeryeong

"ah hello unnie great to you here" yeji said "actually im working here but great to see you here too" chaeyeon said as she take yeji hands and shake it

"you want something? my treat since you and chaeryeong were schoolmate" chaeyeon said yeji shyly said "n-nae um one latte please" chaeyeon nodded and said "coming right up, have a sit"

"i..i didnt know you liked coffee here unnie.." chaeryeong said which made yeji looked at her "ahh.. its my first time going here actually, yuna recommend it" yeji said chaeryeong just nodded and take a bite on the cheese cake

-2 minute later-

"heres your coffee yeji" chaeyeon said as she put the coffee on the table "thanks unnie" yeji says and take a sip on her coffee

"hmm yuna is right! the coffee is really good here, i should bring the other here" yeji said "ahh thank you, i will make it more good if you guys visit here more" chaeyeon said yeji smiled and nodded "nae we will visit here often" yeji said

"oh chaery why are you quite?" chaeyeon teasingly ask chaeryeong shoot a glare on her older sister and said "uh.. i dont have to talk about to" "sorry about her she's just really shy" chaeyeon said "ani, its fine actually we've seen each other three times" yeji said and sip her coffee

"ahh really what a coincidence huh?" chaeyeon said as she wiggled her eyebrow when her and chaeryeong eyes meant

-20 min later-

"i need to go now, thanks for the coffee unnie, bye chaemin, bye ryeong see you tomorrow!" yeji said and left

as soon yeji left chaeryeong slamed her face with her hands on the table and groaned "i approved her chaery" chaeyeon said "me too unnie!" chaemin added

chaeryeong look at her two sisters and whined "ahh you guys really!!" she said "we just met!!" she added 

"eh? i can feel the energy that she might like you back right chaechae?" chaeyeon ask "right unnie!" "you guys i hate you two!" chaeryeong said

"mhm, its already 7:27 pm... get up you two were going home you guys haven't eaten yet and you guys have a school tomorrow" chaeyeon said as she stood up

"nae" chaeryeong and chaemin said..

coincidence, just a coincidence Lee Chaeryeong, you guys just met...

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