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-at ryeji's dorm-

"ryujin?" yeji called she heard a 'oh?' coming on ryujins own room so she quickly go there and ask "what's wrong with you earlier?" 

ryujin just looked at the older and ignored the question "ryujin!" yeji said she sighed and said "you shouldn't have come earlier if you showed the same attitude to chaeryeong!" 

ryujin groaned and said "It's not my fault! you guys were acting like she's a special person" 

"we just make her feel welcome in this school ryujin! you already know the issues about this school!" yeji said "and? if she got bullied because of us, its not our fault!" ryujin said 

yeji groaned and frowned "ryujin, some students here in school are toxic! i know you know that, so stop acting like!" yeji said and left


-the next day-

"unnie, i will be living at dorm start tomorrow!" chaeryeong shouted "oh, ok! but make sure you'll come here every weekends or holidays ok?" chaeyeon shouted back

chaeryeong go downstairs and nodded "where's chaemin?" she ask chaeyeon looked at her and smile "ahh, chaemin said that she will go with jake.. dont worry i saw jake with her older sister" chaeyeon said chaeryeong nodded again and eat with chaeyeon

-7 min later-

"i'll start packing my clothes later, when i came back" chaeryeong said chaeyeon hums and said "mhm, put a seatbelt we need to go now" chaeryeong put a seatbelt and start scrolling on her phone

when they arrived JYP high 

"were here~" chaeyeon said and glance at chaeryeong, chaeryeong smile and said "nae, bye unnie! drive safely!" as she left the car and go straight inside 

"ryeong!" someone called her so she looked at that person and smiled "yuri ah!" she said and hugged yuri "you're excited about it huh?" yuri said chaeryeong nodded and said "ofcourse i am! i been waiting this and you're my dorm mate tho!" yuri chuckled "btw, yeji unnie said that meet them at the practice room so let's go!" yuri said and dragged chaeryeong

they arrived 

yuna and lia was on the floor while watching yeji and ryujin having a dance battle 

"were here!" yuri shouted making the others turned around "chaery unnie!" yuna said as she went towards to chaeryeong giving her a hug chaeryeong chuckled and said "hey yuna" 

"um yuna?" lia said as she stood up "you might want to let chaeryeong go.. now" she said yuna chuckled and said "sorry.. its just that chaeryeong unnie is so warm!" lia rolled her eyes playfully and said "you're an idiot"

lia went to chaeryeong and yuri giving them a hug "you guys are here, the other two was waiting for you guys" lia said as she glance to the two who's looking at them 

yeji smiled and said "we were waiting for you ryeong!" "right ryu?" yeji added as she look at the person who's beside her ryujin look back at yeji then glance at chaeryeong "tsk, you guys were waiting for her not me" ryujin said and looked away yeji sighed and glance at chaeryeong "dont mind her chaer" she said

chaeryeong smiled and said "i-its fine unnie.." 

"umm are we just gonna stand up here or??" yuri asked which made the other giggled "let's sit there.. yeji and ryujin was still battling" lia said as she points

the other three nodded and sits

"what song should we dance?" yeji ask "maybe this" ryujin said and played the music 

'Your right' by Doja Cat

(i dont really know how to do it so, eh)

as soon ryujin and yeji done, the others clap "woah! that was awesome!" yuri said as she give the two a thumbs up "thank you yuri" yeji said as she smile

"thats was good! you guys are both amazing" chaeryeong said and clap "thanks ryeong" yeji said 

"what should we dance again..? the teacher says we dont have a first class.." yeji said "im kinda tired im just gonna sit for a min" ryujin said and sit beside yuna 


yeji pouted and said "aw.. i dont have a mood to dance alone tho" "chaeyeon unnie said that chaery unnie dances!" yuna said as she glance at chaeryeong 

chaeryeong eyes went widen and said "i- i dont yuna haha w-what are you talking about?" "dont be silly unnie, me and chaeyeon unnie was talking last time and she said that you like dancing since you were a kid!" yuna added

right now ryujin and the others were looking at her "b-but i dont, y-you know chaeyeon unnie, was lying s-sometimes.." chaeryeong stutter 

"come on ryeong we want to see it!" lia said as she pat chaeryeong's shoulder chaeryeong gulp and said "i dont really-"

"come on please?" yuri said which made chaeryeong looked at her.. "um.., f-fine" she said and stood up "i dont really know w-what to dance tho.." chaeryeong said

"how tiptoe, you know that?" yeji ask as she glance at the younger chaeryeong nodded and ask "b-but i dont really remember the steps unnie.. its that ok?" yeji chuckled and said "yeah its fine"

(the clothes, logic lets just pretend that it was the same, and i dont really find a nice vid..saur..)

"ok ready?" yeji ask chaeryeong glance at infront, she gulped as she saw the others was looking at them "chaer?" yeji called again "uh.. y-yeah," she said yeji smiled and nodded and start the song

'Tip toe' by Jason Derulo

the song stops which mean its done chaeryeong and yeji panting when they got done

then chaeryeong heard a clap infront so she stood up straight and saw yuri, and others were clapping well except for ryujin, ryujin and chaeryeong eyes meant.. and stare for awhile but then got broke when yeji clap, 

"that was good ryeong!" yeji exclaimed as she went infront of chaeryeong "t-thanks unnie.." she shyly said 

yuri and yuna stood up "you didnt told me you can dance ryeong!" yuri said "y-you didnt ask tho" chaeryeong said "idiot! but that was good ryeong! right yuna?" yuri ask "yeah really good!" yuna said

"the moves you got chaeryeong is so smooth" lia said which made the other looked at them "right ryu?" lia asked ryujin who's looking away

ryujin glance at lia and stood up... "not bad lee" she said before she stand up and left

"she like your dance chaer dont worry" yeji said "y-yeah.." chaeryeong said 

"tell me about yourself more ryeong! i want to know something new about you!" yuri said chaeryeong chuckled and said "yeah.. later"

-while on ryujin-

'that's really isnt bad...' she thinks 

"her moves isnt really bad.." she whispered.

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