This is the night

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I am awoken by one of my premonitions again. Lately they have been becoming more frequent. I run my fingers through my recently chopped hair, which like most things I did on impulse.

I walk over to the window almost stumbling over the pile of books sprawled across my bedroom floor.

I open the window to feel the summer breeze brush my face. I stare out the now open window looking at the magnificent city view before me and I can't help but yearn to be a part of it.

 Despite the beauty of the outdoors I can't help but notice the electrical buzz of the dome and it brings me back to when it all began.

From an early age I was led to believe that I was unique and didn't quite fit in to the outside world beyond the kingdom. I remember my mother saying "it's dangerous out there! Rowan we can't have you getting hurt. You have a purpose here." No words seemed to leave my lips.

I trained to fight, it was a day to day routine and I thought that I was content with that lifestyle up until I wasn't.

I used to see small clusters of people who were daring enough to step foot on unchartered territory to feed their fascination but not all escaped with their lives and my curiosity of the outside world grew.

The disobedient behaviour that followed caused my parents to become infatuated with the idea of technological engineering. Around this time the dome was created, keeping me hidden from the rest of the world.

My parent's greed for power soon caught up with them, when I witnessed complete and utter obliteration but I try to forget the gory details of that night.

There are secrets hidden beneath these walls I can feel it and my suspicions were correct.

Everything began running on the energy of high-tech machinery. Even my meals were prepared by androids and for the most part I would eat the tasteless meals until one day I stopped. I felt the most me I had ever been. From that day on I vowed to myself the only being I could rely on was myself.

It seemed useless at this point after the countless amount of times I've tried it but I reach out my hand to touch the dome.

An alarm suddenly begins blaring. I panic and immediately tore my hand away from the dome.

At first, I feel unhinged, but almost like a second sense, I know I have to escape. My mind begins racing. I change into a black denim dress with black tights that are intricately decorated with little crescent moons, along with a pair of black and purple custom-made converse.

I run for the main corridor. A few feet behind me stands the androids that have kept me confined here. They seem off somehow like they were infected with some kind of virus and I wonder is this because of me?

My prison collapses right before my eyes and what little power the androids have left is focused on the main door as a last effort to keep me imprisoned here.

My great escape seems like nothing but a dream! My mind is foggy as I forcefully hurl a ceramic plant pot at the glass of the greenhouse causing part of the glass to shatter making a small hole.

To make it big enough to crawl through I tug at my sleeve and strike the tiny hole of glass with my fist. Shards of glass go flying.

As I crawl out of the hole, I find myself at the back of the kingdom. The sun is just setting, it is the first sign of night falling and seeing it up close feels truly mesmerizing.

The ground suddenly begins shaking beneath me. I whip my head up to see a laser pointed at my chest and an android slowly limps towards me.

Despite having no weapons to defend myself I still believe I have a fair chance. I glance down at my fists covered in blood and what looks like a small shard of glass lodged in my knuckle.

I am about to land a punch on this chunk of metal advancing towards me, until a glint of light rapidly absorbs my attention.

The sudden distraction gives the defect android the chance to knock the air out of my lungs. In an instant I lunge towards the android. I kick the laser gun out of its grasp and throw a punch that collides with the android's chest.

A pulse of energy throws me to the ground. A sharp stab of pain crawls down my spine.

I wrestle with the android, enduring my pain but then I hear the sound of a gunshot.

A brightly coloured liquid oozes out of a bullet wound on the android's chest and its entire server goes up in smoke.

My nightmare isn't over as the lifeless android triggers an emergency signal that calls to its line of kin. A stampede of defect androids stumble towards me.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me, and out of nowhere I feel something grip my wrist.

My heart is pumping through my ears at the same time as being ushered down a ladder that to my astonishment leads to the underground.

That familiar hand continues to lead me down the tunnel of the underground and as I bring my feet to a halt. I say! "Can we stop for a minute?"

The mysterious figure turns around and before our eyes even meet the pendant sitting round my neck almost like some kind of magnetic force snaps into place against his ring casually placed on his thumb.

The ring and the pendant glow with the speechless energy of a shooting star. In that moment we look at each other for the first time and I find myself looking into a pair of emerald eyes.

Written by Violet03

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