Part 1

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I'm not someone to get scared easily .I wouldn't be boasting if I say normally nothing much can affect me.But this particular incident scared me to the bones .It was some day in June 2017,when I only had about 2 months to my A/Ls.Just seconds after I entered our washroom I found myself sprawled on the floor.1st I didn't understand what was wrong ,but when I looked at my knee I found it dislocated .The sheer unexpectedness of the incident and the site of my knee(there was some huge pit ,where my patella should have been )startled me to the point I couldn't find my voice for about a minute .I wanted to get out,but by then the pain was unbearable that I couldn't move .I shouted from the top of my lungs.At 1st nobody heard me and that moment I understood how vulnerable I was.I had to wait there hopelessly until somebody heard me and help me out .You can be so confident that you are self sufficient ,but the next second life can throw you to the point where you can't literally get up without one's aid.The situation didn't improve after the medical management .The dislocation was reduced ,but I had to wear a POP cast, and was advised not to walk for about a week.And then the real problems started .I couldn't walk around without some help and was anyway advised not to walk around for about a week .There was this heated augument on who's going to stay with me.Everybody was busy I get it now.But then I felt like they took me for a burden ,but I hadn't had a way to take control of the situation ,which left me feeling so helpless to the point I had to cry silently to my pillow to soothe myself .I was only advised not to walk around for about a week ,but I couldn't climb stairs ,nor couldn't get on to a bus.Therefore at the end I lost some 2-3 weeks of classes .I was feeling stressed .I had only about a month left for my A/Ls, and I already had missed some important subject materials including essay questions .At the beginning I was so stressed that I didn't think I would be able to cover any of the topics I missed.And this being my second shy further increased my stress that I even considered skipping the shy.But my friends helped me a lot.Apart from being my clutches to walk they motivated me to study .Their positive encouragement made me seriously think about the situation.I understood that giving up at that moment wouldn't solve a thing.I formulated a plan.I listed out the topic according to the importance ,and learnt them from either my friends or teachers .I understood that as I was behind others in order to achieve my dream I would have to work twice harder than the others.I spent my time according to a time table and gave my utmost best to achieve my dream .This experience is important for me because it showed me that I'm a fighter .Even at thousand reasons to give up now I know that I'm strong enough to stick to my path and achieve my aims.And also it proved me that having a clear plan help you achieve the dream even if you are completely stressed out.So now whenever I feel stressed or behind my work load I know what to do.The next important and the most beautiful lesson I learnt from this experience is friendship and humanity .I understood the positive impact you can make on others by staying with people at their best and their worst.Actually not only my closer friends basically each and every student who attended classes helped me .Sometimes I didn't even know them.Working towards making someone's life better is the most pure thing human can do.Every time when somebody gave me a seat,or offered me help to climb stairs I was deeply compelled to pay them by doing my best to change someone's life for the better ,and I believe it was drove me to do free classes for A/L students later and I think that experience made me dream about beautiful world where everybody helps each other .I'm sure this experience had a positive impact on my journey to become an empathetic medical student .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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