Chapter 1

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[𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻]

[𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱]

Your black fur ruffled against the little branches and sticks as you walked quickly through the incoming leaves. You sighed, hoping for a clearing where you could relax after spending the day running away from predators. You could've changed forms, but you'd spent all your energy running and shapeshifting to keep the predators at bay, so you were now stuck in one of your lowest forms, a cat.

Ah... You wished you were human again.

As you reached your new surroundings, you sniffed the air carefully to make sure those predators weren't still following you, and strangely enough, their scent was long gone, making you suspicious of where you were now because they left as if it wasn't their area.

But your skepticism gradually faded as you gazed around the area in awe.

It was a low river fall with trees covering from above creating a cinematic scenery, the river glowed with many colors, and small little flowers grew from the edge of the water. You gradually lowered yourself from your perch in order to get a better view.

The water was perfect: clean and smooth. You take advantage of the opportunity to drink and clean yourself. After feeling refreshed, you stretched out and attempted to change forms but were unsuccessful. Groaning, you look around for food; the stream was low for any possible fish, so you sniffed out any additional prey to eat.

Your nose detected a familiar scent, that of humans.

Humans have a distinct odor. That would explain why the animals had vanished so quickly. You follow the scent down a path. The Human scent was difficult to track down, implying that they had left a long time ago.

Your ears were twitching. The smell of food was close by, along with the sound of singing and chattering. As you got closer, the chatter became louder, the darkness of the woods gradually fading into light, and you emerged from behind a bush to enter a small alleyway. You widened in surprise after only a few seconds of adjusting your eyes to the brightness.

It was a busy town with a lot of people. Dancing, music, and singing

You haven't seen this kind of positivity in years it almost sacred you. hesitating slightly, You walked into the crowd of people following the smell of food. Many people wandered around, oblivious to you, You struggled to avoid their legs.

Finally, you made it to the center of it all where the food was most present. A tanned-skinned woman with a bun was serving biscuits to individuals who had been injured in some way. As you watched them, you were concerned.

One individual, in particular, had his arm pointing in the wrong direction, causing You to cringe in discomfort. The Lady, on the other hand, simply smiled and handed the man a biscuit.

You were baffled. Why weren't these people in a hospital?

Then, at the same time, the man took a bite of the treat, his arm magically returned to its original shape. If you were a Human, your mouth would be gaping open in shock right now.

The Man thanked the lady and walked away to join the mob of people enjoying the music. You were almost hesitant to approach the woman for food after witnessing what had just occurred in front of you, and you had no idea what type of biscuit she was handing out. But you were desperate in this position, so you took a chance and mewed softly, hoping the woman would notice you.

She did so, as predicted, with a smile on her face.

"Oh my... What a fascinating kitty"

She knelt down with the same grin on her face. You had to confess, now that you had a better look at her, the Woman was quite lovely; she had a pleasant glow around her that made you want to crawl up and nap on her for the rest of your life.

You Mewed, savoring the gentle caress she was giving your ears. You mewed once more, hoping she'd picked up on your hunger.

"Ah, you're probably hungry, right?" In return, you mewed once again. The woman had grabbed a biscuit and given it to you and smiled. "I've never seen a cat like you before, so here you go. Antonio would have loved to talk to you."

You get what she's saying about your little cat form. Knowing that you'd transform into an animal every time You'd have (F/c) faded highlights, which means you'd have a faded tip on your ears and tail, as well as a few scars that would appear depending on your form. In addition, there was a mark on your chest that no one could see unless they were very close.

Despite the fact that the woman mentioned an "Antonio" and how they would have liked to chat with you. You simply assumed she had another cat with whom you could converse.

You mewed goodbye to the kind woman as you took the food in your mouth. She smiled as she saw your tail swish back and forth. You would have had more energy after this small meal to fully transform back into a Human.

So you went into a small alley to eat, but as you dropped your food to start eating, a growl interrupted your bite. With a scowl on your face, You slowly turned back.

Why can't I just rest in peace?

A Dog had emerged from the shadows, flashing its large teeth as a warning. It was either that you were in their home or that you had food with you. You didn't want to back down; you were too annoyed by the chasing from earlier to back down, so you tried to defend yourself even though you were still small. You prepare to attack while guarding your food with your claws.

The Dog didn't waste any time in leaping on you. Then pushing you both out the alley and onto the street.

You tried biting them with all your strength, but you struggled because you were pinned to the floor and couldn't move. You scratched the dog's face with your paws, but the dog bit your right arm in return.

Whimpering in pain, you struggle to get the animal off of you. The dog had taken a good bit of your arm, leaving it gushing with blood.

Seriously, you couldn't take it any longer and decided to give up. You launched one final attack, scratching the dog's eye with your paws and causing blood to spill out. Then you took a chance and ran up a nearby hill.

You lost a lot of blood while running, and you also lost your train of thought. Whimpering quietly, your vision blurred as a house appeared in front of your trembling figure. But, as time passed, everything became slower. Each second, a child's voice could be heard shouting closer to you.

"Mirabel! over here!"

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