Chapter Two: The Man, the Baby, and the Zombie

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I felt my breath escape from me as I flew around, hand to my heart. I shrieked as I looked at what had been shot down.

It was a rotting corpse to be blunt. It looked as though the muscles had been sucked out of the thing and its eyes were nothing but pure memorizing white. Brains gravitated out of its head where the bullet had gotten a clean shot through.

I felt bile rising and I gagged. My chest heaving faster and faster, My senses were as if I was underwater. Blurry-eyed, clouded hearing and I back peddled away from the corpse. What is happening to me?  I scratched at my throat, trying to make it open up. BREATH. BREATH. I started stumbling over until strong arms grabbed me, my head inches from the floor.

"Breath. You need to breathe," The warm breeze of instructions filled my ears. I gasped at the air, my chest feeling tight.

"You're having a panic attack, you need to calm down," The man uttered in my ear, his arm firmly around my waist. My breath rasped in my throat before I fell slack and accepted unconsciousness.

"Alaine!" A girl giggled as she ran past me. Nora.

"Catch us if you can, Alaine!" A boy laughed. Nolan.

I tried to run after them but my legs seemed to be stuck in place. I reached out towards the direction they were disappearing in.

"Nora! Nolan! Guys, wait, come back! Guys!" I shouted even though it was useless. My breath hitched as the feeling of despair circled all around me. Why couldn't I reach them? Why?

The scenery flashed by as it shifted to a new scene. I sat in the driver's seat during a pitch-black night.

My heart fluttered nervously as I drove on. I gasped as I tried to veer out of the way of beaming headlights coming head-on. I felt my stomach flip as I tumbled out of the front mirror window out onto the street, my seatbelt ripping apart.

My ears rang as my limp body lay deathly still on the road. Blood slowly swam out from my body and I watched until only red filled my vision.

I choked out as my eyes shot open. A sense of deja-vu overcame me as I stared up at a white ceiling.

"Ernalaine Darlene Perfect," A voice read. "Age: 18, Sex: Female, Height: 5'4, Weight: 125, DOB: June 22 20XX. Cause of coma: Car accident on April 12th at 11:05 pm. The chance of the patient waking up is 35%. A side effect if the patient wakes up is memory loss that could be regained." The man shut the file and placed it on the nightstand next to my bed.

"W....What was that, that thing? Who are you? What happened? And why do you have a baby!?" My nails dug into my head as I held it, a headache pounding in my ears.

"Well Miss Perfect," He popped the p in Perfect. "I'd love to tell you the whole story, but to sum it up for now you fell into a coma the day before the zombie apocalypse broke out which was six months ago."

My tangled, coal-black hair fell over my face as I looked up. "What?"

"That thing that I saved you from was a zombie, and right now this hospital is crawling with them." He strapped his backpack on and unwrapped a machete from a towel.

"This is not real. There is no way zombies exist," I protested as he walked across the room and picked up the now awake baby from the other bed.

"Sadly, they do exist. Now I'd love to continue this conversation, but unfortunately, if we all don't get a move on we're about to become zombie food." He swiftly turned and came back towards me, his brown gaze looked up from the baby to meet my eyes. "Let's get out of this hellhole."

Bleh, guess who has covid feeling completely fine though! Enjoy me making the deadline twice in a row for once loll

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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