Chapter 18-Pregnant, Not Incapable

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When Amanda told Spencer about being pregnant, she thought that everything would be okay. He had reacted in a proper manner and she had believed that meant everything would be fine. Sadly, the one thing she hadn't counted on was how much Spencer cared about her and how much he had wanted to be a dad. Having a baby daddy who was always worried about you was bad enough. Having a baby daddy who was a genius and already worried constantly was a million times worse.

From what she ate to what she drank, Amanda fought Reid tooth and nail. She usually won, but the whole ordeal was in and of itself completely annoying and made her want to punch him until he stopped talking. Maybe that was just the hormones talking or maybe he was just really starting to get on her nerves. Either way, the whole thing was torture and she was starting to wish she had never told him about it at all.

So it's safe to say that when The Replicator file found its way onto her desk, she was relieved. On top of the whole pregnancy thing, she was still trying to figure out the network that Harold and her father had been a part of. It was super top secret so they wanted someone they could trust to be discreet working on it. This is why she has been keeping it from the team. As much as she's sure Aaron wants to take part in this, it could be dangerous. The secrets on here are the type that people would murder to keep. She couldn't risk endangering anyone.

This is why, despite how much she wanted to take the lead on The Replicator, she knew she couldn't. Besides, she already had the perfect excuse. He hadn't targeted the team on her watch. He had done it on Aaron's. This is how she finds herself sitting in his chair, legs crossed and resting on his desk as she goes through her phone. Her dress is modest so he isn't going to be scandalized at the sight of his sister, but he might be upset that she's in his chair.

She's unsure how long she was playing Color By Number before Aaron entered, but she had done at least 15 pictures so likely an hour. He doesn't notice her at first, going about turning on the light and taking off his coat. It isn't until he goes to set his briefcase down that he sees her and practically jumps out of his skin. "Jesus, Amy! What the hell?"

"What? I had some top-secret information to disclose to you. I figured you'd get here earlier. You usually do," she points out.

"No, I used to, back before I had full custody of Jack, not to mention a one-year-old daughter. Soon enough, you'll realize that earlier hours aren't manageable."

"Whatever you say, Brother Dearest. Anyhow, about that information."

"You were serious about that?" He asks in surprise, having assumed it was just an excuse she was making because she had wanted to scare him.

"Obviously. Now, since I'm the Unit Chief again, all the cases have been going through me as well, and apparently, The Replicator struck again." Aaron's face pales.


"Philly. When the team gets here we'll do a briefing but until we catch this guy when we work on cases involving him, you're taking point."

"Why? Is it because of the pregnancy because if you need to take a step back--"

"It's not. Seriously, you and Spencer need to stop with that bullshit or I'm going to kick one of your asses real soon. It has nothing to do with the fetus growing in me. It has to do with the fact that he began targeting the team on your watch, meaning that his grudge is with the team that was formed while I was...indisposed. Since you were the leader then, there's a good chance that the target is you. Therefore, I think it would be best that you lead this."

"You're sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I never really wanted to be Unit Chief anyhow. The less work, the better as I always say. Now the team should be arriving soon which means I need to go hide in my office until everyone is here so I won't have to listen to Spencer tell me what I should've eaten for breakfast this morning," she grumbles and her brother laughs.

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