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Complicated thoughts turn to waste and bile
I've been feeling like this for a while
Every day I wear a mask
Just to finish up the task
Tears flow through a cracked up smile
Looking in the mirror and all I see
is the former ghost of the person I want to be
Shut up
That's all they really say
Words of death imbedded in my brain each and everyday
No one really knows my sadness
And no one really asks
Everyday I'm a clown wearing a killer hockey mask
When I say I wanna die
It doesn't mean I don't wanna be living
But I'm worthless of this life that God has given
People never believe me
Even when im right
They never really see me
I'm the darkness to their light
I'm different from others
Im deathly inconsistent
The only thing I'm Good at is being a menace to my existence

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