Child's play

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Nicole welcomed the gentle touch as Waverly wiped her cheek, consoling herself they were still friends, and still talking at least. Each of these was more than she could have hoped for on returning to Rathe, expecting Waverly to reject her in the same way Wynonna had rejected her because of the sea serpents.

She placed her own hand over Waverly's, more to reassure herself of their connection, however small and fragile that might be. Of course you will struggle with who I am without my memories, and the years I've been absent from your life. She recognised she had no way of comprehending how difficult it must have been to be left behind, the one who had to accept she might never see her companion again. Alone Waverly had had to deal with the hatred towards her people, and the terrifying prospect of her life and her parents' lives being extinguished simply by being fire breathers.

"I best pack," Waverly said, removing her hand.

Those three words triggered a new thought in Nicole. There no longer was any reason to remain in this world, not with a bounty on Waverly's head and the threat of her own execution if caught. They should make a dash for it. That was it, the simplest of strategies often the best. Where had she heard that before?

Her mind went into overdrive, her new mission to get the fuck out of Dodge. But how? Leave this island obviously. She would row the boat across the lake, or rather get Waverly to row it given her earlier comedic efforts. Find the place where she entered this world, then find somewhere to hide themselves until she figured out what to do next. That way they might have a chance at staying alive, hopefully make a new life away from here.

"Where did you cross?" she said casually, as Waverly began removing items from a small wooden chest on the floor. "You know, the crossing into my...err, the other world."

"Near the ford, where the soothsayer showed me."

"Would you be able to find it again?"


"Only, there's a cottage. I think you'll like it."

"I fear I may never see it," Waverly replied, a resignation in her voice which had Nicole want to sweep Waverly into her arms, and tell her everything would be alright.

"What if we went there? For a little while anyway, until all this blows over. There's so much I want to show you. Hey, Netflix! You have to see Netflix. You'll love it. Jessica Jones, she's my favourite. Totally amazing superpowers, and she-"

"Whoever Miss Jessica is," Waverly interrupted, "I do not want to meet her." She grabbed a hessian sack from beside the chest, stuffing items in. "You need to get dressed if we are to set out for Saker's Keep."

Nicole retrieved the clothes which were still on the floor. At least her tee shirt had been warm when she put it on, the coldness of her undergarment and breeches, combined with their wetness particularly unpleasant as she pulled them on. Water trickled down her legs as she picked up her boots. They were no better, tipping each upside down to remove the puddles which had formed inside.

"What exactly is this keep place?" Nicole said, tugging on her footwear.

"One of the five kingdoms. One of three who agreed to the treaty."

"Run that by me again," Nicole replied, remembering Derek mentioned kingdoms while studying the map. "What five?"

Waverly paused her packing, giving Nicole a look to suggest her patience was being stretched at having to explain the obvious. "Halsingdor, Graigon, Saker's Keep, Venzor and Northpass."

"Right. I ruled Halsingdor."

"The largest and wealthiest kingdom," Waverly qualified. "The four lesser kingdoms looked to you."

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