Chapter 1 Meeting again

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It's been couple months after Saving Yaira from Spencer's hands and Josh has been starting to get worried will He come back and hurt his friends again. Josh slowly gets up from bed and leaves room and walks up to kitchen. He grabs a class of water and thoughts What would happen next.

Josh's POV: "i can't get out of my mind how stressful that time was.. i just wanna forget the whole thing and be the old Josh again..."

Josh Sighs and drinks water, same time Yaira walks in with Josh's adopted Son Shade

Yaira: Hey Josh.. u should know smth..

Josh: Hm? What is it?

Yaira: You should know that... Spencer is coming over with his wife to say hi to Shade..

Josh after hearing those words made him silence. He didn't respond. He just left the kitchen and went back to his room. After going in Josh started to hit wall over and over again until his fist's started to bleed. He was in so much anger.

Josh: coming over... COMING OVER AFTER WHAT HE DID?!! ARE THEY CRAZY?!!!..

With full anger on his eyes he flipped his desk upside down and started to tear up and sat down on the floor.

Josh's Pov: Why would they let him come over after what he did.. he literally abused Shade and literally made Yaira hurt his brother... Tch.. killing me wasn't even enough.. does he want a revenge or smth..?!

When Josh thought abt whole situation Pheonix walks in to give news.

Pheonix: Josh..? Are you ready..? Everyone is waiting for you in the living room.. Spencer and Lora are almost here...

Josh wipes tears away and turns around to look at Pheonix

Josh: I'll be there for a secend...

Pheonix: Alr.. but Yaira said u don't have to come if u don't want to...

Pheonix leaves the room and Josh gets up to get ready to go to living room to others.

~few mins later~

Josh was ready to go to the others and left the room and went ho living room. Everyone were already they're and waiting. Shade turned into Josh.

Shade: Hey Dad..!

Josh didn't respond and looked away from Shade. Shade was feeling bad for Josh.

Yaira: Maybe u should leave Josh alone for while.. this will be hard for him..

Shade: ...right...

Doorbell rings and Yaira opens the door and lets Spencer and Lora in. Shade looks at them and tears started to fall down against cheeks.

Shade: M.. Mom...?

Lora Spears hands aside her.

Lora: Come here Elliot..

Shade rushes into her arms hugging tightly and tearing up alot. Spencer looked at them while smiling little. Josh looks at Spencer with a agressive look and feeling like attacking him.

Shade: i Missed you so much mom!!..

Lora: i Missed you too sweetie.. thank god you're okay...

After they stopped hugging shade turned to look at Spencer and Spencer looked back.

Shade: Spencer...

Spencer knees down on Shade and hugs him softly.

Spencer: I'm sorry Elliot for everything..

Shade shocked while hearing those words. It made him cry and he hugged Spencer back tightly. Josh got kinda upset after seeing them hugging and slowly looks away.

Casper: Josh.. dw.. they're not going to do anything to him..

Josh: maybe.. but they might take him away from me...

Casper felt bad for Josh and turned back to look at Shade and Spencer hugging. Shade stopped hugging Spencer and walked up to Josh.

Shade: Mom.. this is Josh.. the person who took care of me..

Lora: Well hello there mr...?

Josh: Carson. But call me Josh.

Lora: Oh. Well hello there Josh. Thank you for taking care of our son fro those years. ^^

Josh: it's nothing rlly.. he's a sweet kid and caring..

Spencer looks at Josh and tries to say a word but stayed quiet instead. Yaira noticed it and walked up to him.

Yaira: Spencer.. if u want to apologize abt it then do it.m I'm pretty sure Josh understands it..

Spencer: right... -Sighs- Josh.. I'm so-

Josh quickly turned to Spencer and interrupted his apologize.

Josh: i don't wanna hear ur F*cking "apologize" You moral.

Yaira: Josh pls.. let him apologies.. he didn't mean it all that..

Josh: year right.. like he didn't mean to kill me. Thank you for that anyway.

Josh left the living room to his room and slammed the door. Spencer looked down and sighs

Casper: Josh...

Lucifer: Let him be Cas. If he can't respect our quests then Shade shouldn't not call him a father.

Shade: I-....

Lucifer: i would say Shade could go back with is biological parents and not stay here with that selfish asshole.

Casper Pissed and grabbed aggressively Lucifer's shirt

Casper: It's not his fault that he has trust issues!! You can't say smth like that when u don't even know the whole truth!!!!..


Spencer: Hey hey calm down u two.. it's not his fault.. i started this in the first place.. this is all my fault..

Lucifer: no no it's his fault for being an asshole. What do u say Shade? Would u stay here with the selfish asshole or ur actually parents who takes way better care of u??

Shade looked at Lucifer for second and then looked at his parents. He already knew the answer but were scared. He then turned to Casper.

Shade: I'm sorry...

Casper: Wh-..?!

Lucifer: HAH! TOLD U CASPER!! Now u may go pack ur stuff and get ready to le-

Shade: I'm sorry Lucifer.. but I'm staying with Josh and Albert.. they took care of me for a long time and I'm liking to stay here... I love them more than anything..

Shade then turned into his parents.

Shade: I'm sorry mom and Spencer.. but i would like to stay here..

Lora: it's okay dear. If u like staying here you're allowed to stay ^^

Spencer: i don't see why not.

Shade smiled and looked at Lucifer.

Shade: I think you're the one who's being here the selfish one.

Lucifer rasps and leaves living room. After that Spencer and Lora went back to their own house.


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