~His emrald eyes~

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Same day~Deku POV.


I sat on the roof. Damn it. I could have been caught earlier. I don't think eraser shit recognised my eyes though. I only show my eyes and hair. That should have been enough to recognise me. Tch. Dumbass.
I just got out of work a hour ago. It's midnight. I still need to change into my vigilante costume it's in my duffle bag sat by my side "Kid. What are you doing up here at midnight" ah shit, eraser shit is here. Don't blow your cover. "Sitting down" I rolled my eyes and looked over at him. His eyes widened "Your the kid from earlier!" He exclaimed. "Okay?" I sighed grabbing my bag "don't try anything." He grunted. I looked down. It's only a two story building. "Cya." I grinned before throwing my bag down and jumping "KID!" He yelled running to the edge. Just to see me fine and running away smirking.

Aizawa POV

HE JUMPED?! I ran to edge to see him running away and smirking.


That kid isn't a kid...

That's night bunny.

His emerald eyes, greenish teal hair and the scar that I gave him on his left cheek. I grunted.

Fucking brat.


It had been two hours since I saw him. I found him again though sat in a alley way clutching his hip. He was in his vigilante costume "hey kid?" I questioned and his head snapped towards me before grunting and looking back up. I flicked my phone torch on. He looked beaten up. "What happened?" I questioned kneeling down to him. His name is Izuku Midoriya. I found his files now that I knew his full appearance. He works at a cafe and is a vigilante. He removed his hand from his hip to reveal a huge gash on the side almost like a stab wound? "T-there was a girl, she had blonde hair tied in buns but I think she can change appearance because at first she looked like a young kid but then she changed and attacked me. I didn't have time to think" he explained. What?! I swear he has the reflexes of a god and he gets taken down so easily? "Is your quirk reflexes or something cause it didn't seem to be activated" I smirked helping him stand up and he was using me as a cane. He just looked down in silence and gritted his teeth. I was confused to say the least "I'm fucking quirkless, Jerk..." he numbered. No way... wow. I'm impressed to say the least "wow, that's truly amazing. Your one of the most wanted vigilante and your quirkless?" I confirmed and he nodded.

We finally reached my apartment. I set him on my couch and went to get my first aid kit.

~~~(POV switch: Deku)

"Alright done," Eraser head stood up from his chair. "The stab wound wasn't to deep, you won't need stitches. You sprained your ankle and that's it. You will be fine" He informed me before leaving and coming back with a cup of tea. "Why are you helping me?" I grunted staying laid down as eraser shit told me not to move to much. He handed me the tea "Would you have preferred I left you to die" he mentioned angrily "yes" I mummered under my breath "oh don't be like that shit head" he rolled his eyes sitting back down on the chair. "What's your home life like? Why'd you become a vigilante?" He questioned it was annoying why can't he just hand me into the police already. "Dad neglects me, and I'm quirkless. I can't be a hero" I sighed looking down at my tea before sipping it. It's quite nice for a caffeine lover. "Who said that?" He looked at me with his cold eyes "All Might, Kachan aka my childhood friend, my mom, the doctor. " I listed them all out in a long sigh "All might said that to you?" He questioned slightly taken back "Mhm, then he just left me on the rooftop. I can tell you that day I was so tempted to jump." I explained tears pricking my eyes "Just because of all might?" Aizawa said listening carefully. I shook my head wiping my tears on the sleeve of the jumper aizawa gave me as my costume was beaten up he also gave me a shirt and shorts. I don't know how he has my sized clothing. I mean the hoodie wasn't. Maybe he had a son? Or just kept them from his childhood. "What else?" He asked hesitantly. At this point I couldn't hold back the tears falling. "M-my childhood friend, Kachan... he told me to kill myself that very same day. He burnt my hero notebook and through it in a pond. No one even did anything about it" I let it all out.

Soon I felt really warm and I felt a pair of arms around me. Was this a hug?

I melted into it...

It was nice...

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