chapter 5

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Chapter 5

‘Okay, baby. I need to go inside or I will fuck you on my bike.’ Bucky said while letting go of me. He was leaning against his bike, wearing a dark brown leather jacket, a grey, tight shirt. his tattoos peeking out of the collar of the shirt. His thumb caressed my cheek and he looked at me lovingly. Ever since our first kiss we were inseparable, we spent hours cuddled up to each other kissing and watching movies and just being near him made my heart full. 

‘What are you waiting for ?’ I said jokingly. 
He smirked and took my hand in his. 

‘Alright. I’ll let you go now. Text me when you’re done with work.’ I said and leaned forward to kiss him and as soon as my lips touched his, the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. 

After our kiss I watched James turn around and enter the shop.

I walked down the street to Sally’s to grab myself a fix of sugar and a coffee.

Absent-mindedly I walked up to the counter. 

‘Oh, golly. Looks like someone is floating on cloud nine and a half. My sweet child, that Barnes boy finally came to his senses. Let me get you some treats to take home to your man.’ Sally gushed. 

‘Momma, where’s the new piping tips I sent you over ?’ I heard a familiar voice with a southern twang say. 

That could only be Sally’s daughter and one of my closest friends Tianna. Tianna moved away to Atlanta after high school, married the love of her life and became an award winning author. 

Tianna emerged from the back of the room holding a bag of piping tips in one hand and a tray full of chocolate fudge cupcakes in the other. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a loose braid down her back. Her heart-shaped face was covered in flour and blobs of buttercream decorated her light blue apron. 

Her kind brown eyes lit up when she laid eyes on me.

‘Biiiiitch. Emerson Loretta Perkins. Haven’t seen you in freaking forever.’she happily exclaimed while running in my direction with open arms.

‘You’re the one who is busy being a southern belle, my love.’ I said while putting my arms around her and hugging her tightly. I missed Tianna dearly. 

‘Come on, let’s head into the kitchen and tell me everything I missed.’ She let go of me but moved her arm around my shoulder as we walked into the room. 

‘Spill.’ she said while pulling an abundance of piping tips out of the bag. 

‘Well, business is flourishing, lots of people are getting married. Becca is thinking about hiring some more people into the business to delegate the workload so we can focus on expanding and also have a bit more of a social life.’ I said, looking at Tianna with a smile on my face. 

‘Booooriiing. Gimme the juicy stuff. Did Buck finally get his head out of his ass ? Seriously. That boy got some nerve to make you wait like that.’ she laughed while filling the butter creme into the piping bags.

'Yeah, he did. A week ago we had this wedding and he was one of the groomsmen and we almost kissed. Then the next day I was invited for coffee by this dude here in the shop and James came in and played the 'wounded puppy' in front of Richard. 

That night he called me while Becca and I were having girl's night and then finally confessed his love to me and we kissed in the rain like in 'The Notebook'. We've been together ever since.'
I sighed reminiscing in the memories of the past couple days.

'Girl, you're glowing. Being in love looks good on you. And I'm beyond happy for you. It was about time. Remember when he gave you shit about dating Hayden back in high school ?" Tianna said, triggering another memory. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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