Awakening [Part 1]

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It was a Calamitous time, wars were occurring, innocent's were being abolished, there is nothing people like more then self entitled space noobs who can't shoot properly, protect themselves or even go out to get the milk when needed because they left their wives not too long after becoming a pilot but hey, who wouldn't do that? But of course these air-headed space bastards are the stupidest king of all stupids who somehow manage to have their stupid plans actually work. No one chooses to fight along these people because of their reckless, clumsy & idiotic plans that they think will kill somebody, which they of course will but that's besides the point. It all leads down to one particular pilot who is indeed a reckless self entitled bitch, but he still cares for his friends deeply.

FP 895-37: "Mark my position, take half of our squad to the higher level."

DE 726-24: "But general...the odds of us surviving that weaponry from 98.5 to 1."

FP 895-37: "Did I stutter?! I said go up to the higher level!"

DE 726-24 doesn't reply and follows his orders like he's told

FP 895-37 goes back to shooting tie fighters, being the only good gunman out of everyone else in his squad, only to be shot a few seconds later, not having any control of the ship

DE 726-24: "General!! General?! Do you copy?!"

There was no response from him

FP 895-37 continues to spin out of control as he presses a bunch of random buttons in his ship hoping it'll do something

Fp 895-37: "Come on! It always works in the movies!"

DE 726-24: We lost him in the outer rim, he is no where to be found, anyone copy?

FA 136-23: Yes, we copy

TP 792-47: Ready for some more action!!

The tie fighters & star destroyers use light speed and disappear into space

TP 792-47: Haha, they got too scared of me

FA 136-23: Yea okay, sooooo scared of you

DE 726-24: Break it up you two, those imperials left for a reason that we are unaware of and that leaves us very little time to think of a plan

FA 136-23: A plan to what exactly? Find our friend? What the imperials are planning? You know, whichever plan we decide to go with will all determine our fates

DE 726-24 takes off his helmet as he looks out into space, looking at the stars. "He's out there somewhere, and we need to bring him home, we can't accomplish anything without him."

TP 792-47: It's not only just about accomplishing things and being able to fight the empire, he's our family, we only have each other! We lost our families! We lost everything! All we have is each other

FA 136-23 also takes off her helmet and takes a deep breath and finally speaks "Let's go find him...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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