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-no one's pov-

Everyone was listening to Hershels prayer. Heads either down or looking at the grave that had been made for Otis. "Shane, will you speak for Otis?"  A voice asked. "I'm not good at it. I'm sorry." Shane replied. "You were the last one with him." Patrica said tears going down her cheeks and she continues."You shared his final moments, Please. Let me know his death had meaning." Shane glanced at everyone before shaking his head a bit. "Okay." he answers. His story about Otis' death was very tragic and heroic. Dale made eye contact with (Y/n). She looked at him unconvinced that the story was fully true. Everyone seemed to believe Shanes story, he was glad no one caught on. Well that he could see.

"How long has this girl been lost?" Hershel asks. "This'll be day three." Rick replied looking towards Shane and Andrea. Maggie had went to grab a map, which she had in her hands as she came walking up to them. "County survey map, shows terrian and elevations." she said as she rolled out the map ontop of the cars hood. "This is perfect. We can finally get this thing organized. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams." Rick said as he observed the map. "Not you, not today." Hershel cut in. "You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out. And your ankle... Push it now, you'll be laid up a month. No good to anybody." Hershel continued to talk looking at Rick then at Shane. (Y/n) and Dylan shared a side glance. "Guess it's just me. I'm goona head back up to the creek, work my way from there." Daryl said. Rick nodded his head, seemed to agree. "I can still be useful. I'll drive up to the interstate, see if Sophia wandered back." Shane says. "Alright, tomrrow then. We'll start doing this right." Rick said. "Me and Dylan will pitch in, anything you guys need just tell us." (Y/n) said. "That means we can't have our people out there with just knives. They need the gun training we've been promising them." Shane states. Everyone made eye contact with Rick but Herhsel. "I'd perfer you not carry guns on my property. We managed so far without turning this into armed camp." Hershel said directing it towards Rick. Shane didn't like this one bit. "All due respect, you get a crowd of those things wandering in here....'' Shane said. Rick stopped him from going any further. "We are guests here. This is your property AND we will respect that." Rick said glaring at Shane a bit. He pulled out his gun and put it ontop of the hood. Shane hated this idea as he looked away before pulling out his gun also. "First things first: (im the realest..... Sorry i had to) Set up camp, find Sophia." Rick declared. (Y/n) looked between Rick and Shane. "I hate to be the one to ask, but somebody's got to. What happens if we find her and she's bit? I think we should all be clear on how to handle that."Shane said. "You do what has to be done." Rick said. "And her mother? What do you tell her?" Maggie asked. "The truth." Andrea said. "I'll gather and secure all the weapons. Make sure no one's carrying till we're at a practice range off site. I do request a rifleman on lookout. Dale's got experience." Shane stated. There was a brief moment pf silence. "Our people would feel safer, less inclined to carry a gun." Rick said looking at Hershel. Who seemed to agree by the nodding of his head. "Thank you." Rick said. Shane and Daryl began to walk away.

"That stuff you brought, got anymore antibiotics, bandages, anything like that?" Maggie asked Rick. "Just what you've seen." Andrea says as she walks away. "We're running short already. I should make a run into town." Maggie says. "Not the place Shane went?" Rick asked. "No, there's a pharmacy just a mile down the road. I've done it before." Maggie said. Rick turned around to look at some of his group memebers. "See our man in the baseball cap? That's Glenn, our go-to-town expert. I'd ask him along just to be cautious." Rick said. Hershel looked at Maggie before tilting his head in a direction.

-(Y/n)'s pov-

After me and Dales little agreement at the funeral, I have been weary around Shane. I told my feelings to Dylan, he seemed to understand but not at the same time.

I walk up towards Glenn who had binoculars up to his face. "You know thats alittle creepy." I say and laugh alittle bit. He blushes as a lean on the tree. "I'm not..." he said going back to the binoculars. "Hello, Farmer's daughter." He mumbles. I snicker a bit trying to hold in all my laughter. Lori suddenly walks up to block his view. This causes him to hurry and put his arms down, Lori looks like she doesn't know what to say. I bust out laughing as I watch their faces. "Here's you list. And, um there's one other item. I wrote it down separately. It's personal. If we can be real descreet about it." Lori said. I looked at her confused. "Sure." Glenn said. "thank you.." Lori thanks him. "Um, what is it?" He asked as he looked at the paper. "Kind of missing the point of the whole descreet thing, Glenn." Lori said. "Oh, right. umm.... I just need to know where to find it." He says. "Try the feminine hygiene section." Lori said looking around. " Oh. Enough said. Consider it done.'' Glenn said walking off. Lori exhales. "descreet? Everything okay?" I ask. She shoots her head in my direction. "Um yeah.... just need a few personal things." Lori said as she walks away in a hurry. I watch her walk away, eyeing her a bit to see the lie I sense. "You know staring is rude." Dylan says from behind me. I look down a bit and he puts his arm around my shoulder. "This group has so many secrets and issues." I say looking at him. "Oh trust me I know." Dylan says. I look at him for a second before going to find Bixby. "Talk later Dyl?" I ask. "yup, will do (Y/n)." he answers walking in the opposite directon.

To be coninued....

Sorry if there are any errors im using my computer and it doesn't use autocorrect. but thank you for reading i hope you enjoy.

Word count: 1111

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