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I'M SORRY IF THIS CAME OUT RATCHET!!! I'M WORKING ON THAT. REMEMBER THIS A SHORT STORY'S 5 OR MORE CHAPTERS WELL ENJOY!!! ZAYN Hi my name is Zayn. I'm 16 and openly gay. So are my two best friends Harry and Liam. They really make a cute couple but they say that they don't have feelings for each other. I know it's not true from way they rape each other with their eyes. Well anyways back to me... well Niall. Niall is the new boy in school; he is so sexy like he should be a model or something! But he doesn't talk and I think he's scared of me. Like one time I tap Niall on his shoulder for a pencil and he flinch away. Does he not like me? I'm that bad looking or was it my breath!!! No it can't be I'm zayn mailk I don't do bad breath. Right know I'm at lunch watching Liam and Harry undress each other with their eyes. Like do they even blink!! And they say they don't like each other. I rolled my eyes to where Niall and boy and girl are sitting. I wonder If Niall every talk to them? I sighed watching the boy talking to Niall but Niall not saying anything but he just nodding or shakes his head.

"I guess that answers your question". Harry says with a cheeky smile, since when does Harry read minds. "I don't read minds dummy" I looked at harry confused "you said it out loud zaynie boy" Liam cut in. "oh... and stop calling me that" I said going back to Niall table to find him staring at me. He blushed and looked away. "Zayn did you just make him blush" Liam said, and I shrug with a small grin slapped on my face. "Zayn don't look his coming over here" Harry whispered to me. My head shot up to Niall's direction but he was still sited. I hear Harry and Liam laughing like it was the funniest prank ever. Of course Liam's laughing at harry prank. "That's not funny Harry!!!!!" I yelled while everyone's head spun to our direction, making me sink in my sit. "Eat ass harry" I said under my breath

"Oh, I will" he said with a wink in Liam's direction. Causing Liam's breath to get caught his throat. Was I supposed to have seen that wink?.... At last lunch is over!!! Fuck I have English last today!!!! Well the bright side is that Niall sits in front of me =D. I get to stare at his back of his head... not creepy way, if that is possible. NIALL I felt someone burning the back of my neck. So I turned around to see who it was (bad idea) it was Zayn the sexiest boy in school. Well in my opinion. It felt like we were in a staring contest, neither of us wanted to lose. But the teacher wanted to interrupt our moment if you could call it that. "MR HORAN, MR MALIK YOU COULD STARE AT EACH OTHER WHEN MY CLASS IS OVER." I could feel the blush creep to my face. This is so embarrassing. I turned and sunk in my set as everyone started laugh. "Well class if Zayn and Niall are finish staring at each other." the teacher said whilst looking between Zayn and I making me blush even more, if that possible. "We are going to be doing a project, which involves partners." As the MS Hector finished her sentence, the class broke out in a full on cheer. This made me jump at least two inches from my sit. "SETTLE DOWN CLASS." MS Hector tries to hush the class... in her own way. "You haven't let me finish... so you would be in partners whom I would select." The class wasn't too happy with what the teacher said. "MS. Why" Louis said with a pout, making jasmine, (his girlfriend) kisses his bottom lip. "It's ok Lou bear" "MR TOMLINSON, STOP ACTING LIKE A BABY THAT GO'S FOR THE REST OF THE CLASS. As I was saying your partners would be a signed to you and now I would be reading instructions you and your partners would be following." "Ok project count for 50% of your grade. You would have to write a short story of you and your partner. It could be about; what they do on their free time, what type of food they like, what there life's like when school is dismiss or whatever. Just write something... anything. "Now class your group or partners will be in sixth, since this is a biggest class I have. Liam, Harry, Louis, Jasmine, Zayn and" please don't say me please; please I can't work with Zayn. I repeated in my head. "Zayn and Sam" the teacher finished, but the sex god that is Zayn, had to correct her. "Umm... MS Hector, Sam move two days ago." "Oh my mistake thanks Zayn, so NIALL YOU WOULD BE IN THE GROUP WITH LIAM, HARRY, LOUIS, JASMINE AND ZAYN." After that sentence I zoned out for the rest of the class. WHY ME...


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