To The Lost, a Poem

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To the lost, I write you.

To the lost, I write acknowledgment.

Acknowledgment of your pain,

Of your suffering.

To the lost, I know you seek guidance.

To the lost, I write you.

To the lost, I write guidance.

Guidance to help you find a place,

To find your way out of the dark.

To the lost, I offer suggestion.

To the lost, I write you.

To the lost, I write suggestion.

Suggestion that will act as a latter,

A way to climb out of your grave.

To the lost, I promise you a place in the

(Spot)light, provided, you follow this advice.

To the lost, I advise you to take the first step.

It's okay to be afraid.

Close your eyes as you take the step. Even retract, if you must.

But I command you to take that step.

To the lost, I offer this cliche:

Don't look back.

Looking back leads to falling behind,

Even getting stuck under your fear.

So, be welcoming of the unknown of ahead.

To the lost, treat fear like a hobby.

Love it.

Run full speed ahead towards it,

Even if it hurts your legs to run.

Love the pain.

To the lost, wear your pain.

Wear it like a badge of honor.

Each battle scar is an accomplishment,

Have pride in earning it.

Just let it burn.

To the lost, encourage the burning sensation to never stop.

Concentrate on the burn.

Those flames you're feeling,

Are the main ingredient to passion.

So, don't resist its side effects.

To the lost, I swear to you, the side effects are necessary.

Sudden urges to cry help you find your weaknesses.

Fix your weaknesses.

Delusion drives you to a new way of thinking.

Let it control you.

To the lost, sell your soul for permanent delusion.

Once you do, you'll be able to see things more clearly.

It'll make a path for you.

Follow it. No. Matter. What.

There's no wrong.

To the lost, ignore the red marks you get on tests.

They can't wrong you.

It's only red ink.

That red ink doesn't amount to the blood, sweat, and tears you drained to get this far.

Find the real red.

To the lost, red is a beautiful color.

Use it to decorate.

You can use it on your walls,

Dye your hair with it ,

Even bathe in it to add to your natural radiance.

To the lost, let the red rust over.

Isn't it incredible?

Unfortunately, you ran out...

But then, an idea...

Take a stroll down town, You'll find plenty. It's free.

To the lost, all you need to do is grab it and go.

It might be a little heavy.

It may be a challenge to just casually leave with it.

It'll also be noisy. Just ignore it.

Avoid strange men, who will likely try and take it away.

To the lost, what do you do now?

You have the source that the red flows from.

And you try to concentrate on how to get the red.

Suddenly, high pitched sounds fill your ears and you realize, they're coming from your red source.

And you curse, "Shut the hell up, for fuck's sake!"

To the lost, you're doing great, but your frustration is getting a little out of hand.

You heed my warning and take a deep breath.

You look down, and find the solution for this annoyance.

It's shinny with a sharp blade.

You start to pick apart this damn thing in attempt to silence it.


You found the off switch, just south of where the noise was coming from.

You, of course had to figure out this insane off switch.

But you also found that beautiful substance you've been looking for.

And you reward your own job well done with a nice glass of homemade red wine.

To the lost, red is a beautiful color.

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