Chapter 5- You Little Touble Maker!

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Okay guys! This a new chapter and not some extra. My fans are slowly climbing up and I'm super happy! Go meee!!!! Okay, now that I got that out, here is chapter 5!!

Jay Stardust xx

Grace POV

I wake up to a slight breeze coming through the open window and Harry on his bench looking very deep in thought. I sit up and mumble a small hello and stay in my bed for a while until I hear a loud bang. I jolt out of my bed and rush down the few stairs that separate the first and second floor to see a wide eyed Jake and a toppled refrigerator.

Great, just great, first he wakes me up with a bang, and now he topples the refrigerator. I am just about to explode!

"Go to my room and play with the ghost." I say with my teeth clenched.

He runs upstairs and I hear the door shut to my room. I take everything out of the refrigerator and discard all the broken items. !Only one egg and a bunch of canned foods and bread survived. I slowly, but surely pick up the fridge and realize that I'd have to go shopping as soon as I get dressed. I get to work and make a list, as well as my breakfast at the same time. High five for multi-tasking!

Harry POV

A loud bang echoes through the house and Grace runs, fuming, out of the room. I hear a lot of mumbling and shuffling and then a sad little trouble maker slips his way into my room. I guess I could call it my room in this situation.

"H-hello? Is the g-ghost here?" Jake stutters.

At this point I don't know what to do. Should I respond? Not that he can hear me. I decide to make a small wind fill the room. Strong enough to feel, but weak enough to show that I am not looking for a fight.

The little boy shivers and decides that it must be the window making the breeze as he comes over to my bench, climbs ontop of it and closes the window.

"That must be the wind, right? The window was open so it had to be... right?" Poor Jake, talking to himself.

He backs away from the bench and makes his was to Grace's bed. He plops himself on top of it and sighs loudly. "See, just the wind." He says.

I make another breeze of the same power. Jake jumps up and scans the room. "You are there!" He marvels.

I nodd to myself, knowing that he can't see me.

"So ghost," he says with a sparkle in his eye "what's your name?"

Jake POV

I don't hear, or feel for that matter, any reply from the ghost. Was he my imagination? Then I realize that he can't talk to me.

"Ehm, so umm like, oh oh, first tell me how many letters in you name. One gust of wind for each!" I say super excitedly.

You can't blame me, I'm talking to a real ghost!! I'd better tell all my friends that I made at the park. They didn't believe me when I said there was one in the house.

I wait patiently until I feel five different gusts of wind. Okay, five letters, it can't be that hard.

"Okay so are you a boy or girl. One gust of wind for boy and two for girl."

I immediately feel one gust of wind. I wait for another, but there is nothing. It's a boy! Boys rule!

"Okay, tell me when to stop!" I say and I shout all the five letter boy names I can think of " Lucas, Julio, Barry-" I feel a gust of wind, but then another comes soon after. I'm not getting this.

"Is that your name? One for yes and two for no." I feel two gusts.

"Well... Is it close to your name?" I feel a gust of wind saying yes.

"Okay," I start, "Larry, Garry, Gerry, Merry, Ha-" a very strong wind fills the room. So his name is Harry, he's a boy and a ghost. Good to know.

Harry POV

Jake seems very nice, even though he his a big trouble maker. He now knows my name and my gender with only me creating gusts of wind. Not enough for a conversation but I'm making progress.

That's what sucks about being a spirit. You really can't communicate with people that are alive unless you really have to. That's what dreams are for. I'd actually like to thank Jake for putting up with me for so long and not running away like most people do. I guess that's what little children are like, but what do I know, I haven't been a real child, or adolescent for that matter in about one hundred and fifty years.

I wish I could talk to him. I grieve about this all the time. The lack of communication spirits have with alive people. Maybe Grace could help. Where is Grace anyways?

I guess I can predict the future. As soon as I thought of Grace she comes in the room. She looks a lot more calmed down since the little incident. "Okay Jake," She says as sweetly as possible, " You can go."

"Well okay," he replies, "and tell Harry that he's a really nice fellow."

"Wait, how do you know about Harry." She says, surprised.

"Oh, he told me his name and all, and he's a boy!" He says with a big smile on his face. Grace giggles a bit and her head snaps to me.

" Harry, how?" Grace asks. I create a gust of wind to answer her.

" Ooooh, okay, I get it now." she replies in realization.

"Wait a second, you can see Harry?" Jake wonders.

"Ya, I guess it's some sort of gift?" She says questioningly.

"What does he look like, is he attractive, do you want to marry him?" Jake says with a jump.

"For starters, he has brown curly hair, fair skin, piercing emerald eyes, and a British accent. He is attractive, I guess, compare to other boys I see every day, and no, I do not, under any circumstances want to marry him. Even if, he's dead, it's not possible." Grace says, pretty disturbed by the last few questions. She actually described me quite well. She even did my eyes were piercing!

"Okay then, I'd better go!" Jake says and rushes out of the room.

"Oh," Grace calls "Don't tell Mom about by 'gift' you'll never know what mental facility she'll send me to."

" Ya, whatever." Jake calls back, "Like I even care."

Grace sighs. We go back to our business and we hear another bang. That little trouble maker!

There you go guys! Another chapter, right up! Wohoo! Well, who watched the Superbowl? I actually couldn't care less about it but it was on. Go ravens!





I have more fans!!!

Jay Stardust xx

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