Deliver the Maeil with Taeil

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  It was a bright, sunny day. The warmth of the sun felt comforting. It was such a peaceful morning...but not for Taeil. He is a mailman so it was time to deliver the mail.

  He walked up to the cozy looking house and set the morning paper into the dark grey, metal mailbox. Then he thought, "Should I just throw them on the lawns? It'd be faster..." Pondering for a second, he made up his mind and agreed but just as he was about to go to the next house, he hears a voice.

  "OH. MY. GOD. IS THAT THE MOON TAEIL!??! YO! CAN I GET YOUR AUTOGRAPH??" Shouted an energetic boy with blueish-black hair.

The man stared for a bit and replied, "No entiendo Inglés...lo siento."

"Did he just speak Spanish?" The boy whispered to himself. Taeil swiftly got away without the not-so-young lad noticing his escape. "YangYang's Spanish lessons coming in clutch. These papers wouldn't be delivered if it weren't for him. My heart goes out to you, man. Thanks."

  He rides his red bike around the quiet neighborhood whilst tossing the papers onto lawns of dead grass and some having green grass.

  "Finally, the job is done. Let's go home." He thought everthing was over until he heard a familiar voice.

  "Yo, Taeil, I brought my friend. He knows some Spanish. His name is Johnny." Taeil pauses and tries to bike away when all of a sudden a tall kid, Johnny, steps infront of his bike.

"Buenos días. ¿Cómo está usted?" The kid asks.

  "Uh...我说中文。对不起。。。" Taeil nervously responded. 'I owe my life to YangYang now... Thanks for the Mandarin lesson, bro..." He pretends to get a call. "是的。。。好,好。" Johnny moves out of the way and Taeil speeds to his house on his shiny green bike.

'The kids these days...I just want to get my job done." The exhausted man mentally wines.

  It takes time for him to arrive at his house but he eventually gets there and he sees one of his roommates, Yuta, watering the grass. He sighs in relief. No kids, he's home, and Yuta is doing the house chores. It's only the afternoon but sleep is the only thing on his mind.

  Yuta gives a short wave and Taeil nods in return. The door is already unlocked so he opens it, takes his shoes off, and runs to his room as if a scary dog was chasing him, barking like it was nobody's business. He flopped on the soft, squishy bed and melted into it. Soon after, he fell asleep.

The End

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