The First Date

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Confidence sure looked good on both of them and Tim was planning to charm Herny the way he knew best. There is nothing Tim couldn't talk about. Anyone with half a brain appreciated his charming conversational skills. And Henry was a class topper, double major in Acting and Economics. Maybe it's just an Asian thing. They sure know how to raise a kid to be able to do anything in the World.

As expected, the car arrived on time. A man that was dressed like a rapper but was actually one of the managers made him go through a bunch of documents to sign. "This is just a standard list of things you are allowed to do and a list of things you really shouldn't be doing in the first place". The manager went through each point and emphasized and the most important ones. "Do not post anything on social media without his prior consent. Do not comment on his posts in any shape or form unless you have been instructed otherwise. Do not follow any of his family members or friends unless they have followed you first." The last of things he couldn't do was long but he knew Henry was worth it.

Tim had never dated a celebrity before so he had no idea if this was normal but he signs NDAs for work all the time. So he quickly went through the details and signed each page one by one. After almost 20 minutes of whatever this was, they finally escorted him into the SUV. If his assistant hadn't double checked everything, he could have felt like this was a well planned kidnapping.

The ride to the location was nerve-wracking. Tim could hear the same voices bickering outside the SUV at every traffic stop. It was clear that he was being chaser by a bunch of obnoxious paparazzi.

After a seemingly long drive, they parked in some basement and took the elevator to the venue. He was starting to understand where he was. This was the stadium. The game was on and it was going to be long. He had no idea how he could talk over thousands of angry fans yelling and his plans to get Henry's attention needed some changes.

A rep from the stadium escorted him to the VIP zone. He knew a bunch of people sitting there. A lot of important people in the city were eager to watch this game. The rep finally pointed him towards the seats designated for them but Henry was not there yet so he huffed a sigh of relief, took his jacket off and fixed his shirt. It took him a moment to decide if he should leave more than two buttons undone and he decided to be a treat so he left a third button open.

After a few minutes he heard some people getting excited about more than just the game and there he was, Henry in all black, head to toe and of course a baseball cap on. Tim could feel his pants getting a little tight. He was not shallow but Henry just looked that attractive.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" said Henry as they shook hands. Tim gave him a flustered smile and they took their seats. The rest of the day went by quickly. The screams were not letting them have an actually conversation but he appreciated how Henry got extremely close to him every time they needed to talk.

"Would it be weird if I said I'm glad you didn't wear a t-shirt?" The low tone of Henry's voice and the minty smell of his aftershave made Tim want to pull him in for a kiss but of course that couldn't happen. So he just said "not unless it's weird I think you look great in all black, especially that cap.". They both adjusted back into their seats trying to hide the fact that even a simple statement was strong enough to get them in a mood to devour each other.

By the time the game was almost over, they decided to leave before fans flocked the roads. Their SUV was waiting for them and they quickly drove off to somewhere out of town. There was a nice little diner on the highway and they enjoyed a calm conversation there. Henry was far more fascinating than anyone assumed. He liked to talk about anything from Sports to World Politics and even to Sci-Fi movies. After a while they decided to leave but Henry wanted to see if there was more to this than just a good conversation.

They got into the SUV and the staff waited outside a few feet away. Tim had an idea of what might happen next but it did not mean he was not nervous. His palms were sweaty and he could feel goosebumps as Henry wrapped one hand around his neck. The other quite conveniently lay on his lap making him a little jumpy in the moment.

"I like you" said Henry "and I think we can make this work. But you have to be sure and we both need to be comfortable". He pulled Tim closer and took a took a deep breadth as if the air around his body was somehow sweeter and more life giving.

Tim could feel his throat getting dry with anticipation. He was desperate for a kiss but he tried to wait until Henry was done talking. The little light inside the vehicle made the chapstick on Henry's lips look like Ambrosia and Tim felt the need to consume every bit of it.

"I want to kiss you but only if you want it too" and before Henry could say anything more, Tim dove in for a kiss. He could not hold on any longer. It was torture waiting all day with Henry looking all kinds of beautiful. The way his hair playfully bounced everytime he took off his cap, the way Tim couldn't stop looking at it did not go unnoticed. As soon as Henry took off his cap, Tim laced his fingers into the younger's hair. The kiss got intense and the Tim almost wanted to eat him whole.

Their hands started wandering and Tim felt Henry pulling out his tucked shirt. His cold fingertips under first landed on Tim's hips and then on his back. But eventually they landed on his chest. The way Henry played with his hardening nipples made Tim moan but that only made the younger want to try more things. As soon as Tim felt hands trying to undo his pants, he playfully pushed Henry away and looked at the younger's breathless face and eyes full of lust. They had to stop being either of them ruined their pants and this was hardly the place or time for going all the way.

After a few more slow and passionate kisses, Henry sent a text to his team that rushed back into the vehicle and soon enough they were heating back. The ride was long but not long enough. Their hands played with each other the whole way back. Henry could not stop nipping at Tim's skin, drawing lines on his jaw with his tongue and playfully bite his earlobe. And all Tim could do was remind himself that this was really happening. A man desired by nearly everyone he knew was actually with him, kissing him, feeling almost every inch of him.

Tim calmed himself before stepping out, gave Henry a sweet kiss and promised to meet him again next week. Tim's media house was covering an event in LA and he managed to get a day off to hang out with Henry if he liked. Henry was visibly excited and said he would plan something special for them.

As they parted ways for the night, Tim already started counting days until they would meet next. The week went by quickly but Tim was exhausted. He wanted to look good for Henry but nothing seemed to work on the bags under his eyes. He almost texted to cancel when Henry said his car was waiting to pick up him up. Tim quickly put on the outfit he set aside and headed out.

YOU WERE THE ONE FOR MEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora