Chapter 2

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After school , i went home and i got to my room then i jumped on my bed , tired then i remember after we ate he gave me his number i tried to call him but he wont answer a few minutes later , i tried again then he answered
And we talked for an hour but we stopped because we realised it was late

And i slept , the next day i woke up tired and it was 7:00 AM in the morning so i took a shower like always and i got dressed And got to school early.

Then i got to class and i realised he wasint there so i asked the teacher and he said he didnt know what happend so after my last class i got home and tried to call him again but he wont answer but i thank he was studying so i didnt continue to call him , so i studied and studied until i got tired then i tried to sleep but i cant so i tried and tried but i couldint then i finally slept the next day i woke up at 7:12 so i showered and dressed as always then i got to school and when i put my bag in back of my chair he was there but when i tried to talk to him he wont answer.

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