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- yes I'm aware its January I'm excited for Halloween idk why -

it was three days until Halloween and you and wanda still needs Halloween costumes. where you doing couple costumes or not you had no clue.

"hey wands what are we doing for Halloween costumes?" you asked 

"um I don't know what do you mean?" she asked 

"How about like couple costumes" you replied.

"Hm I like that what are you thinking" she said 

"i was thinking chucky and his bride but I don't know if tony and pepper are doing that". you said

"ok we will ask them later" wanda said 

-2 hours later-

"ok guys who is going as who for tony party" you and wanda asked 

"me and pepper are going as Mr. and Mrs. incredible self explanorty as too why" tony said 

"ha you wish" Natasha replied.

"oh really lets hear your super cool costume then" tony fired back.

"ok, well i want to be an angle and a devil but Steve wanted to be both so we are being princess peach and Mario" Natasha  said.

"Me and Laura are going as homer and marge Simpson" Clint spoke up.

"How about you Pete?" I asked

"Erm me and mj are going as victor and Emily from the corpse bride" he said blushing a little

"Aw I can't wait to see that" i said

"Well what about you two" tony asked.

"well we thinking of going as chucky and his bride" i replied back to him

"Oh I love that movie I can't wait" peter said

"Aint you to young to be watching that" tony said looking back at peter

"Nope its a 15" peter said

"How old are you again? Tony said making me laugh

"16 actually" he replied making everyone laugh.

-time skip to tony party bc I'm lazy-

"wow you look awesome" I said to Pete.

"oh thanks" peter said giving me a high five 

"I like your costume, are you Chuckie and his bride?" mj said 

"why yes we are" wanda said 

"well look who it is" Natasha said.

"wow you actually look nice" I said to her and wanda slapped my arm.

"she's joking you both look nice" wanda said 

"yeah surprisingly" i muttered underneath my breath

"what was that y/n" Steve asked

"hm oh nothing Mario" you said and snickered which made wanda giggle as well.

"oh god have you guys seen tony chucky and tiffany" Natasha said chuckling a like bit.

"nope and I dread to think what its looks like, why is it that bad "I said trying to look for him

"ah look at you lot don't you all look great" tony said walking over to us.

"yes we look gorgeous thanks bob and Helen" you said

"but your costumes are pretty good" wanda said to them

"thank you are you two chucky and tiffany?" pepper asked

" yes we are" wanda said back 

"hey guys nice costumes" Clint said 

"oh god I will laugh if that paint doesn't wash off" Natasha said 

"well hello there peach and Mario" Clint said ignoring her sarcastic comment.

Natasha was going to say something back but got interrupted by tony hitting his mic on the stage. 

"ugh i hope we win" wanda said looking at tony

"win what?" you said confused 

"the best costume of course" wanda said 

"right before I start this just know that everyone voted so don't be mad if you are a sore loser" tony said and pepper smacked his arm making me laugh which made wanda smack my arm.

"this years winners are...drumroll please... Y/N AND WANDA" tony shouted 

"wait we won?" you asked not believing yourself

"yes we won" wanda said with a smile

" oh yess" you said putting up your middle finger to Natasha and peter who gave on back but Steve smacked his hand 

"well what's our prize then" you asked tony which made wanda smack you arm 

"this" pepper said and handed you a box of Haribo's 

"yess i love Haribo's thank you" you said and gave pepper a hug and tony a high five.  

"thank you guys" wanda said into the mic and walked of stage linking arms with you 

"haha" i said waving the box in everyone's faces 

"do that again and i will take them off you and eat them right infront of your face" Nat said 

"ok then thanks for the warning Tasha" I said opening the Haribo's.

"anytime" she said

" let me guess your not going to share them are you" wanda said whispering in my ear.

"nope" i said and kissed her cheek

-736 words

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