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falling asleep was the thing you were scared of the most. every time you fell asleep you would always have a nightmare about your childhood trauma and usually had gotten more realistic.

after tossing and turning for about 1 or 2 hours you gave up and decided to go on your phone. 

going through all the apps on your phone peacefully you were brutally interrupted by a loud scream from wandas room.

your heart was racing from the sudden noise but you still rushed to her room to see if she was doing ok.

slowly opening the door you saw Wanda tossing and turning in her bed with tears and sweat falling down her face. her lips were trembling and you couldn't deal with the sight of her like this anymore.

as you leaned over her you began brutally shaking her shoulders to get her awake. 

"Wanda wake up its just a night mare wake up, wake up, WAKE UP" you shouted 

"what what's going on where am I?" Wanda said running her hands through her hair. 

"hey its ok, its me y/n, we are in your room and its completely safe i promise you " you said taking her hands into yours and bring her in for a hug

"why was that one so specific and real" Wanda said after of a couple a minutes of cuddling.

"i know but its ok we will get through it together i promise you ok?" you said squeezing  her tighter

"What do you mean together? do you get them aswell?" she asked.

"yeah sometimes like once or twice a week" you said because there is no point in lying to her because she will just read your mind.

"oh is that why you are always tired?" she asked looking at you now

"what is it noticeable that im tired" you asked the brunette.

"not like that you just get annoyed very easily, remember the other day with natasha?" she replied 

"oh yeah that was funny" you said recalling the day.

it was 9am and you went down for some breakfast and a coffee, natasha had walked in a looked at what you were making "hey can i have some" tasha asked  "no" you replied sipping your coffee "alright then, if you need me ill be in the training room" natasha said and walked off. "NATASHA WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY HOOPS" you said yelling. "what the fuck ive done nothing to you crappy hoops" she said coming into the kitchen.

"yes it was not funny for Natasha, you chased her around the whole tower till i cooked you some breakfast" wanda smiled also recalling the day.

"thank you" you said interwinding your legs with hers.

"for what?" she said looking down at you.

"for this" you said yawning.

"its ok. Now try to get some sleep" she said running her fingers through you hair.

-469 words 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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