New Here

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Everyone sat down, gathered around the table for a meeting. I was the newest recuit to the ship, this meeting was so i could be imtroduced to everyone and be asigned my tasks.
The one in red leaned against the table, looked at me and said "you must be the new recuit! Welcome aboard! You can call me Red, if you like. Everyone kinda just goes by a nickname after their color."Red smiled as he put his hand out to me.
I just kinda looked at him strangly, i was new here and not really one to be social, especially in crowds.
There was quite a few people here all gathered around the table with all eyes on me and it made me a bit nervous.
I just leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest and softly said "well I guess you could call me white then..."
Red smiled again and said "well nice to meet you white" as he slid a clipboard across the table to me with a list of my assigned tasks on it.
Shortly after everyone went around the table saying a color they used as a their name to introduce themselves, all except black who sat quietly across from me.
I picked up the clipboard and briefly looked it over as everyone started getting up from their seats and dispersed from the area.
When I looked up from the clipboard, I saw a couple people gathered in the hallway talking, I looked around the table and saw one of the crew sitting at the table still staring at me.
Black was the only one who didn't leave the table yet, he just sat there quietly staring at me and that gave me a weird vibe, I got up and quickly gathered my stuff before walking out of the room.
Rushing past the group gathered in the hallway, I walked to another area of the ship away from people to scan over my list of tasks again.
Then I looked up to try and figure out where I was, but I didn't pay attention to where I ran off and seem to have gotten myself lost already.
Sighing to myself as I softly muttered a curse word under my breath, knowing I had gotten myself lost and still had my tasks I had to complete.
Once again I looked down at my list of tasks and looked over the first one which said "fix wires in storage" I rolled my eyes and said to myself "great, I have no idea where storage is" suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind me, as they stopped behind me I turned around to see who walked up behind me and nearly ran into black as he was practically right on top of me.
I let out a loud gasp, not expecting him to be so close and stumbled a bit, starting to fall over backwards to be caught my a hand grabbing mine as he caught me.
I felt a bit embarrassed that I almost fell on my ass and turned my face away from him so he couldn't see the embarrassment on my face and muttered a soft "thank you"
Black chuckled a little and said "are you lost or something?"
I felt my face grow redder at his question.
"I uh... wasn't really paying attention to where I was going and kinda got lost yeah." I said
He laughed slightly and said "well where's your first task? I might be able to point you in the right direction or walk you there."
"Um it said wires in storage" I said slightly turning to look his way as he turned and looked around then suddenly pointed a direction and said "that way"
All I did was nod my head and walk in the direction he pointed.
I was slightly bothered by him staring at me in the beginning and then seeming to follow me, so I chose to take off without second thought.
I practically ran down the halls until I reached the storage room and began working on the wiring, wondering to myself what Black's problem was.
Suddenly a loud alarm blared over head as everyone ran to back to the meeting room, once everyone was there we all looked at each other sorta confused then at the one who hit the alarm.
Cyan was standing over the button, shaking with blood on her hands and tears streaming down her face.
Red suddenly ran to her and gently placed his hands on her shoulders "cyan what happened? Are you ok?!" Red asked
She started crying and tried to speak "I was g-going to check on b-blue and I found his body laying in admin, h-he was murdered while trying to s-scan his ID card."
Everyone suddenly looked shocked as silence fell in the room except for Cyan's crying.
After what seemed like hours of silence, Lime said "I also found a body near the reactor and was getting ready to report it when Cyan called a meeting."
Cyan started crying even more and looked at Lime and asked "who else died?"
Lime said "orange was killed in the reactor"
Red hesitantly looked around the room at the rest of the crew before looking back at Cyan who was clearly very upset.
Red sighed and said "Cyan did you see anyone in admin when you found Blue?"
Cyan only shook her said and stayed quiet for a few minutes before she calmed down enough to try to talk.
"I finished my task in O2, cleaning the filter then went to check on Blue because he mentioned he had to scan his ID card in admin and we agreed to meet after our tasks.
When I went to find him, he was dead in admin, I tried all I could to revive him but it was no use" Cyan said before starting to cry again.
Red once again looked at around around the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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