11. I Know What Sam Did

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January 15, 2018

Philadelphia Courthouse, Pennsylvania

9:45 AM

Annalise is in court. Oliver and Laurel are also there, sitting far from her.

The preliminary hearing has started a few minutes ago.

The prosecution is composed of attorney Boyle, while the defense is composed of Tegan Price, who is representing herself as the sole defender.

Claire Telesco and detectives Alex Duvall and Mattew Morgan are also present in the courtroom.

<<Mr. Boyle, may we proceed with the first witness?>>, Judge Caprio asks.

<<Yes, Your Honor. I'm here representing the New York City Police Department about the Sandrine Castillo case. Our team is in close cooperation with the Philadelphia Police Department. That said, I'd like to call  to the stand Mr. Ethan Chase.>>

<<Please, approach the bench, Mr. Chase.>>, the judge says.

There's tension in the courtroom.

<<Mr. Chase, you are currently employed as security guard at the the Kennedy building which houses the Caplan & Gold law firm, correct?>>, Attorney Boyle asks.


<<Your Honor, here's a copy of Mr. Chase's contract signed by Ms. Price.>>

The judge reads it.

<<Mr. Chase, on the day of January 7, you were working overtime at the Kennedy building, is that correct?>>, Attorney Boyle asks.

<<Yes. Ms. Price called me the day before and asked me if I was free to work on Sunday.>>

<<How many times has she asked you to work a similar shift?>>

<<As I recall, it was the first time ever.>>

Tegan interjects: <<Your Honor, I hired Mr. Chase one year ago. I am his employer and in the contract - we both agreed to sign - is stated that Mr. Chase could work on public holidays if needed.>>

<<Mr. Boyle, get to the point, please.>>, the judge says.

<<Your Honor, this is the footage from the surveillance camera outside the Kennedy building.>>

The video starts playing.

<<Any team of technical experts can verify the authenticity of the footage, if necessary. From what we see, throughout the day of January 7, Ms. Price was the only person getting in the building. Mr. Chase finished his shift at 8:30 p.m. and then left. No one walked through the front door of the building in the following hours.>>

<<Objection, Your Honor. The front entrance that we see in the footage is not the only one. There's a second entrance which is accessible from behind the building.>>, Tegan claims.

<<Are you talking about the emergency exit, Ms. Price?>>, Attorney Boyle asks.


<<That door can only be opened from the inside, Ms. Price.>>

<<Someone may have left the door open for who knows how long, Mr. Boyle, and let the woman who attacked me getting in. It was not my concern to check whether or not the emergency door was ajar. That was Mr. Chase's job.>>

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