12. Nobody Gives Anything for Nothing

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January 16, 2018

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

10:27 AM

<<Attorney Rothlo, thank you for joining us. You've travelled a long way.>>, Detective Duvall says.

<<I hope I can help you, Detective.>>

There's tension.

<<Ms. Rothlo, did you know Sandrine Castillo?>>, Detective Morgan asks.

<<No, I didn't.>>

<<So you never had any contact with one of Annalise Keating's students.>>

<<She mentioned them to me a few times, but I never met them.>>

<<Are you sure?>>

<<Yes, I'm sure.>>

<<What about Xavier Castillo?>>

Eve is confused.

<<I don't know who he is. Why are you asking me, Detective?>>

<<I assume you know about the feud between the Castillo family and Annalise Keating.>>

<<Yes. I know about the trial. Annalise told me.>>

<<Do you know that Jorge Castillo died right after the trial?>>

Eve doesn't answer.

<<He was stabbed several times by some inmates. Security cameras didn't capture the assault.>>

<<Really? You made me fly down here just to talk about a mobster getting killed last year?>>

<<We're getting there, Ms. Rothlo.>>, Detective Duvall interjects. 

Eve sighs.

<<Agent Claire Telesco did an investigation last year. Please, let me show you something.>>

The detectives show Eve the picture of the Operation Bonfire.

Eve notices immediately that she isn't linked to the Mahoney family, so she guesses whether the detectives know of her involvement with Wes's mother

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Eve notices immediately that she isn't linked to the Mahoney family, so she guesses whether the detectives know of her involvement with Wes's mother.

<<We spoke on the phone with your partner, Vanessa, while you were on the plane to Philadelphia.>>

<<What?! Who gave you her number?!>>

<<You must not concern yourself about it. A house phone number is not difficult to find. Vanessa just confirmed us that Annalise Keating visited you in San Francisco prior to the discovery of Sandrine Castillo's body.>>

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