chapter four: hermione

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Hermione had no idea what she was doing, which was rare for a witch like her.

Pretty much her entire life, Hermione had every move planned out: what classes she would take, when she would do her homework, what job she would get after Hogwarts--every decision there was, she already had an answer for.

But then her plan went awry when she was attacked, and forcing to take refuge in the Malfoy Manor of all places, with her rival--maybe even bully--from her schoolyears was pretty much the last thing Hermione expected would happen.

And now, with nowhere to go, and no strength left to heal herself, she had to teach Draco how to cast the healing spells that could save her life.

If it was anyone else, Hermione would be happy.

But of course it had to be Draco Freaking Malfoy that had to be the only person she knew wasn't out to get her.

"Teach me the spells," Draco said, after Hermione had posed the only option she could think of. When she locked eyes with him, a flutter went down her spine at the fierce determination present in his eyes.

Hermione had never seen Draco like this.

She'd only ever seen him as the malicious, misguided boy he was at Hogwarts, led down the wrong path by his father and his friends. But now, after the Battle of Hogwarts and the fallout that ensued, it was clear that Draco had changed.

So Hermione would give him a chance.

Not that she had much of a choice.

"Let's start simple," Hermione began. "I think my ribs are the worst--" Her voice broke off as she began coughing uncontrollably, sending sharp pains through her chest. Each movement hurt more and more, and Hermione was convinced her ribs were broken.

"Shit, Granger," Draco exclaimed, leaning forward to offer out an arm to stabilize her. "You're bleeding."

Hermione raised a hand to her mouth and realized that she had indeed been coughing up blood. It was definitely broken ribs.

"My ribs," Hermione managed to choke out. "Use brackium emendo."

Draco nodded and, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, pulled out his wand and pointed it at Hermione's torso. Then he hesitated. "Wait. Isn't that what Lockhart used on Potter? And his arm went all jelly?"

"Lockhart was stupid," Hermione managed to roll her eyes, even despite the pain she was in. "And it's the only spell I know that will heal broken bones like this. Just do it."

"No pressure," Draco muttered under his breath, but Hermione caught it. He refocused his wand on her ribs. "Brackium emendo!"

A sickening crack filled the air and Hermione grunted in pain as her ribs visibly snapped back into place. But despite the pain caused by the initial spell, Hermione was finally able to breathe in relief as the pain in her ribs faded--mostly. Before it was clear they were broken, but now they just felt bruised. Hermione could handle that.

"Granger?" Draco asked. His eyes were clouded with concern. "I didn't kill you, did I?"

"No, you didn't kill me," Hermione surprised herself by letting out a laugh. "It worked." She pushed herself up to a seated position on the couch and rubbed her torso, feeling where her ribs were still slightly sore. "I think I can heal the rest on my own now."

"Right," Draco frowned.


"I know you're Brightest Witch of our age, but I don't think you should be trying to heal yourself right now," he argued. "You're still injured."

Case in point. Hermione felt the stinging of the numerous cuts all along her body, not to mention the swelling and bruising that she knew was present on all of her limbs. There was also the issue of most of her fingers being broken and dislocated.

"I'm perfectly capable of doing magic now," Hermione scoffed. She reached toward her wand, which was on the floor a few feet away. The movement hurt, but she was tired of not helping herself.

"Lockhart," Draco said pointedly. Hermione stopped reaching for her wand and met his eyes, which held a strange mixture of sarcasm and seriousness. "Remember? You just said his spell failed Potter because he was stupid."

"Are you calling me stupid?" Hermione's jaw gaped open.

"Yes, Granger, I am," Draco retorted back. He kicked her wand away with his foot before she could reach to grab it again, and Hermione let out a noise of protest. "You're absolutely bloody stupid if you think I'm going to let you mess up your body because you're too proud to teach me the other healing spells that could actually help you."

Hermione stared him down. Her brown eyes met his ice-blue.

And then she relented.

"Fine," Hermione sighed, leaning back into the couch. She proceeded to explain to Draco the remainder of the healing spells she knew, and one by one, the injuries lining her body faded away. By the time the two were finished, most of Hermione's pain was gone and she was left with just the feeling of being bruised, sore, and tired.

"Better?" Draco asked when he had finished, leaning back to look her in the eyes to make sure she was telling the truth.

"Better," Hermione nodded. She stood up and grabbed her wand. "Thank you, really, for your help, but I should be going--"

"Merlin, Granger, you're not serious?" Draco's eyes widened as he frowned incredulously at her. "You were just beaten to a bloody pulp and now you're just going to walk back out there, no protection?"

"It's not like I'm helpless," Hermione scoffed. "I can defend myself, you know."

"Oh, I know first-hand how well of a punch you can throw, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be a stupid idea for you to leave," Draco retorted. "Come on, Granger. Let me help you."

"Help me?"

"Let's find this bastard who did this to you."

"And then what?"

"And then we'll kill him."

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